Point Lay Nalukatak: blanket toss (part 9a of 10)

Jamie gets some air during the blanket toss, or, in Iñupiaq, "nalukatak."
Jamie takes a dive. She comes out of it okay.
Making plans for a fantastic jump.
Sometimes, plans go awry.
A new vantage point from which to study Point Lay.
Boy. It's a long way down.
Now that he has participated in a successful whale hunt and graduated from high school, Lloyd is moving up over the world.
There were times when the children had the blanket all to themselves. They enjoyed it.
Reader Comments (3)
WOW! That is the coolest series of pictures I have seen in many years! I especially like the photo where Jamie takes a dive! That is so much fun! I am glad you took the time to head up north Bill! Take Care!
What is the origin and meaning of the Blanket Toss?
I look at these photos and to me they symbolize trust, community, cooperation, exhilaration and enjoyment.
I've read that the Blanket Toss symbolized the celebration of the whaling catch and distribution of the catch by Inuit and northern nations people, and that the distribution of the catch (wealth) is a highly valued attribute of the culture. Is this true?
I am a Toastmaster from Nova Scotia, born in Melbourne Australia, and am preparing a speech on 'Goodwill'. Toastmasters is a worldwide non-profit group of clubs that meet regularly in a mutually-supportive environment to support each other to become better communicators I was looking for something that best symbolized what Toastmasters is all about. I think it's the Blanket Toss.
I think that you've got the basic definition down fairly well, Edward. As to the origin, it goes way back before people these things down, but it is part of the whale feast and the feast is where the successful captain and crew feed the entire community, not only for the day but with large shares to take home and last as long as possible.
The toss itself is fun, but it is also an exercise in cooperation (pulling together), trust, and overcoming fear. Mostly, when it comes time for the toss, people want to have fun.