That Momma Pitbull that gave me the big scare until I discovered that she is really a sweet American bulldog named Tequilla

I saw Tequilla on the second-floor deck of the rocket house as I walked today, so I stopped to introduce myself to her people.
Tequilla, who I mistakenly described as a pitbull is really an American bulldog and her primary caretaker is Malia, and that is her in the background. The pug-nosed dog at left is Lolita, the cat is Mellow and the little boy is Gabe.
While Malia notes that Tequilla is protective and will raise a fuss should a suspicious person come around, she describes her both as a sweetheart and a Houdini, as she can be locked in the house or in a pen and then she will appear outside, at the bottom of the stairs.
Tequilla is most affectionate and so shares a kiss with Malia as Gabe looks on.
Sadly, Rocky, the black pup, is no longer here, but has passed on. Malia only recently adopted the two dogs. Right after she did, the father of her children died. In the midst of such tragedy, Rocky contracted Parvo.
How does a Mom and her children deal with such loss, back to back?
They just go on living. That's what people do. It seems impossible, but they do it, anyway.
Gabe and Mellow.
Tequilla and Mellow.
A little further on my walk, I found Mary in her driveway. I had not seen her for a long time but today she was out. We talked for quite awhile and she told me many stories, but I am tired and need to go to bed soon, so I will not attempt to relate any of them.
Suffice it to say, she has led an interesting life and grew up in Florida, where her sister would like her to return. She did visit recently and the jet ride there and back was pretty miserable.
As we visited, her poodle and cat came out to join in.
Miss Rita, Mary's cat.
Then I was in downtown Wasilla where I had just parked when the train came along. Naturally, I was thrilled.
The Alaska Railroad engines were pulling Princess Cruise passenger cars and one of them had a picture of a giant grizzly bear on it - probably to scare the real bears away so that they will not frighten the tourists inside.
Nobody likes it when the tourists get frightened.
Well, the bears like it. They think its great fun.

Reader Comments (1)
over here, it's the sharks that think scaring the tourists is great fun.