We celebrate Margie's birthday and then wind up in the ditch

The knock on the wall caused me to leave my computer and go into the house for the party, but I was surprised to find that not everybody was present. The food was ready, but people were still here and there.
Charlie and Melanie, for example, were out in the back yard. I was a little distressed to see Charlie sitting in that chair, because last week, I saw Muzzy lift his leg and pee on it.
It rained after that, so hopefully it was okay.
Kalib peeks out to check on Charlie, Melanie and me.
I go back in and close the screen door. Kalib wants back in.
It was an Apache-Navajo kind of meal, with frybread and beans. I made mine into a classic Navajo/Apache taco, with the beans, onions, salsa, quacamole, tomotoes, peppers, grated cheddar cheese and sour cream folded into the fry bread.
I meant to photograph it so that you could see, but I got so busy eating it that I forgot.
Lavina helps Kalib draw a little heart on his grandmother's birthday card. This is what I wrote: "September 5, 1949, was the best day of my life even though I was not yet conceived..." followed by some stuff about love.
There was one piece of frybread left, so I had Margie pose with it, just so you can see what it looks. After that, I ate half of it and Charlie ate the other half.
I stepped out for a little bit and when I stepped back in, I was surprised to see Steffers sitting there, eating an Apache/Navajo taco. Lavina must have cooked some more frybread up, so I shot this picture. Steffers, who is Iñupiat, was on her way to a Rodney Atkins concert at the Fair, but she is competing with her sister for Kalib's love, so she stopped by to see him first - and to wish Margie a happy birthday as well as congratulate Jacob for being commissioned into the Commission Corp.
Margie prepares to blow out her candle. Not only is she actually older than one, there isn't even a "1" in her age. But there was only one candle in the house and it was "1."
Margie reads her card. She was pleased.
Margie opens a present from her kids, all of whom were here except for Rex and Stephanie. Rex works seven days a week, usually, and long hours, too. We sorely missed the two of them, but Margie was pleased with the gift.
Jacob hands her the first serving of cake and ice cream.
After we ate our cake and ice cream, some of us wanted coffee. It was evening, now, just after 7:00, but Charlie, Melanie, Lisa and I went out and bought some at Little Miller's on the Park's anyway. When we returned home, more guests had arrived and there was no empty space into the driveway. So I began to pull into the ditch.
"Dad!" Melanie scolded. "What are you doing? Don't drive into the ditch! Dad! Dad! Don't do it, Dad!"
But I did. We all got out. Everything was fine.
"That's so Wasilla!" Melanie said.
Reader Comments (4)
Happy Birthday, Margie!
Happy Birthday Margie.
Oh. And Bill? Generally speaking, there is a big difference between driving into the ditch on purpose and driving into the ditch on accident. Tell Melanie people outside of Wasilla drive into ditches too. Both accidently, and on purpose.
Miss Sunshine and Debby - Margie thanks you both.
And of course you are right, Debby, although the title did not say how I drove into the ditch, merely that I did. Just my twisted sense of humor, you know.
Really? You have a twisted sense of humor? I guess that I missed that...