Anonymous coward retracts the insult; on a stultifying, hot, winter day in Alaska, I remember a more agreeable one

To be quite honest, it was not a very good picture-taking day for me. In fact, I think it may have been the worst picture-taking day that I have experienced in months. That is because I spent basically the entire day sitting right here, at my computer, furiously working to finish that little proposal project that I told you about.
As usual, Pistol-Yero interrupted me now and then, as did Jim.
It always annoys me when they do this, but I don't know what I would do if they didn't. Their interruptions are the only thing that keeps me partly sane.
I am happy to say that I just finished that project, at 1:19 AM, pretty early for me when it comes to finishing something, and it is printing to pdf right now.
When I did go out, briefly, I hardly saw anything and if I did and tried to photograph it, I messed up.
This is not from today, but I figure that it is a good lead-in to the next picture, which is from today and is essential to this post, even though it is boring. As this project neared completion, I realized that I was missing a certain image that I wanted to include and so I went looking for it. I found it. This is not it, but this image was in the same folder and, as I say, it makes a good lead-in to today's essential, but boring, image.
This is the essential, but boring image. This is where I first found the car three days ago, sometime after it slid off the road and got stuck. Yes, the very same car that some cowardly, anonymous, person had used to insult and slander me by scrawling "dumbass" into the mud caked on the doors.
I am happy to say that the car has been pulled out and is now gone. The insult has been removed.
Undoubtedly, the anonymous person who scrawled it read yesterday's post. Undoubtedly, that person felt shame and humiliation for ever having slandered me in such a way and so went and removed the epithet.
I thank you, anonymous person, for coming to your senses - and yes, I accept your apology, abstract though it may be.
So my walk was very short and I saw no one. But I did see this Cessna flying overhead. One day... one day... it has to happen... it has to!
It was still stultifyingly hot today. At one point, I saw the thermometer reach 34 degrees. But in the same folder referenced above, I found this image, from three years ago, taken on a much better weather day than today.
For you Celsius people, that is - 32 degrees. The thing to remember is that when a cold snap settles in here, it tends to be 10 to 15 degrees colder out here where we live than in downtown Wasilla.
I always knew it was colder out here and there was one time when Melanie put a Pepsi thermometer in the yard and it went down to something like -46, but in town the temperatue was in the lower -20's. I was not certain that we could fully trust that Pepsi thermometer, but, since we bought this Ford Escape, the built in thermometer has confirmed these kind of temperature spreads between here and downtown Wasilla.
Oddly enough, on a day like today, when it is warm, I have discovered that it is actually a few degrees warmer out here than downtown.
From the same folder. That whole mall in the background, Cottonwood Creek, is gone now. Target is there instead.
From the same folder.
From the same folder - shoppers leaving Wal-Mart.
From the same folder - raven and stoplight in blowing snow.
And to you who are suffering down in the Lower 48 because of this recent cold snap that has frozen you and warmed Alaska, I am not making this stuff up. In winter, I truly prefer the cold weather to what we are having now.
If I didn't, I would live down there instead of up here.
It makes me feel good when it's cold - as long as I don't freeze, as long as the cold does not overcome me. Once it does, there is hardly anything more miserable. When the cold overcomes you and you become cold, life becomes hell. Yet, I love the cold.
It's not this warm everywhere in Alaska right now. I see that Fort Yukon was -20 today, Barrow -9, but what you have to understand is that, in those places, in January, those are warm temperatures.
Well, I am very tired. I have been playing with pictures and words all day long. I am growing incoherent.
So that's all I have to say.
*Iñupiaq for "that's all I have to say."
Reader Comments (9)
I'm glad the dasterdly coward removed that insult!
Here in the northeast the weather people blab on and on about how dreadfully cold it is. However it is January and it's in the 20s - just where it should be. I can barely stand watching news these days, everything is exaggerated and repeated over and over again. I watch the home and garden channel mostly.
Well, by gosh, I'm glad the slander was removed. I am also glad you were joking. I worried that perhaps you were spending too much time inside at your computer, so much that your brain had begun to fry, just a little. It was I that sent the cats in there to interrupt and distract you...
It never ceases to amaze me, seeing hardy Alaskan souls headed even short distances without gloves on. Really. I mean, I have to say, I put on gloves for the first time this year just yesterday while I was shoveling the driveway, but you have to remember that we've yet to hit below zero. Just a few single digit days so far.
Down here in western Iowa we're waiting for those "artic high temps" to arrive. Anything to get rid of this below zero stuff with 25 mph winds last night. It sounded like a freight train going through town and all our shoveling since Christmas was for naught. Sigh!
You are all welcome to visit sunny southern California. 70's and pure sun right now. And Bill - there's surf!
We may have extreme colds, thank the heavens we do not have problems like down 'south' (with a small letter I'm still angry at the outrageous shipping prices we have to pay because the shipper thinks we live in a third world country)!. We're happy we do not have hurricanes, tornadoes, tsunamis, extreme flooding (this far North), no traffic jams, don't have to pay for parking, etc., etc., etc. I don't mind visiting down south just to remind me I'm glad I'm just a visitor/tourist and don't have to live there.
Thank you for inviting us to visit your world, your excellent photography and your fine family. I retired and have time to surf on the net. Quyanaqpauraq!
I really like that last photo ... your cat is pretty cool, too!
I agree with you Bill. Winter in Alaska is no place for warm temps. That's what visiting Outside is for. Here on the North Gulf of Alaska Coast we have had to put up with above freezing rain and it is making walking or driving a real menace. Give me 20 F any January.
Onward! and whatever you are cooking up for your future, my best wishes are with you. Thank you for your blog. It pleases me that you are reaching more everyday.
I'm new here. Nice blog. The picture with the raven is cool.
Manx - I agree. The news is lost.
Debby - I do spend too much time at my computer. My brain is frying. Thanks for sending the cats in.
Whitestone - I love the sound of freight trains. They kind of lull me to sleep.
Michelle - The surf sounds good.
Qimmiksaq - Hope you enjoy your retirement and come by often - and Quyanagpauraq to all of you who have shared your life with me. How fortunate I have been for that.
Susan - Thanks. By definition, cats are the coolest of the cool.
Sylvia - it is a slow process, but slowly it is on the increase. Thanks. I've been thinking a lot about Yakutak.
Thanks, Just_a_mote.