Arctic people join Larry Aiken in Anchorage to celebrate his birthday and wish him many more; I drive home through snow, atop ice

Yesterday was Larry Aiken's 56th birthday. In the early evening, I drove to Anchorage for the party. As recently noted, Larry has come down from Barrow to get his cancer treated.
We gathered around for pie and cake. Celebrants filled their cups with lemonade and Pepsi and then made a toast to Larry on his birthday - a toast for long life and many more birthdays.
There were others who came and went during the course of the party, but these are those who were present with Larry when I took this group picture: Charlie, Candace, Lloyd, James (who had come down from Anaktuvuk Pass for eye surgery), Martha, Art and Harley.
Everybody sang happy birthday.
Then there was another toast.
Of course, I was there too and I took this picture to reflect my presence - us, gathered together in lightness and warmth in defiance of the cold dark beyond the window.
Yet, even beyond the window there was warmth. We went out. A light, wet, snow was falling. We gathered around the fire. Larry spoke about how much the warmth and support of his friends meant to him now. He has felt fear, and has shed tears. He will feel more fear and shed more tears, yet in friendship and love he finds courage and faith.
Although we could not hear it here, we all knew that in Barrow, many people were calling in to KBRW's daily "Birthday Program" to wish Larry a happy one.
Martha took my camera away from me so that she could take some pictures that included me. So here is the one that I like the best - me, Larry and Art.
I think I will post it as my Facebook Profile picture for awhile.
The drive home was a bit nerve-wracking. The rain that had begun in the afternoon had now turned to snow. The temperature stood right at freezing. The highway was slick and dangerous. Some drivers, apparently new to this place and this kind of thing, creapt along at 10 mph. Others, overconfident, proud and impatient, weaved and shot their way through the traffic in their big four-wheel drive vehicles at 60 plus - until finally the flow just bogged down to an unpassable 40.
These are the ones that you most often see turned over at the side of the road - big, four-wheel drive vehicles driven by people who do not understand that the laws of physics also apply to them.
Fortunately, I saw no bad mishaps on this drive home.
For a Thursday night, the traffic seemed pretty heavy to me. I wondered why? Sarah Palin had thrown a rally in Anchorage for Joe Miller. I wondered if that might be the reason - thousands of Palin/Miller supporters streaming back into the valley after a rousing rally for Joe Miller.
But no... according to news reports, only 300 to 400 people attended - and that includes the Anchorage people as well as the valley.
So that wasn't it.
Maybe the traffic just seemed heavy, because weather conditions caused drivers to bunch up.
It took longer than usual, but finally I was in Wasilla, where the snowfall greatly eased. Then I was on Brockton, approaching the very dark corner ahead. Fortunately, I have good headlights. They cut through the darkness before me and showed me the way to the warmth and light of home.
Reader Comments (4)
love the photos by the fire! thanks for posting!
Happy Birthday to Larry. And many good wishes and prayers regarding his cancer.
Happy Birthday to Mr Aiken !!
So glad he had so many friends to share his special day with ...
And that you made it home safe and sound with the goofy way traffic was running
you be careful now bill driving thru those treacherous roads. know you are, how wonderful for all the love and support coming larry's way, the best way to fight disease, other than the nec'y treatment he's geting in achorage. god bless!