Little genius Mariah Ahgeak captures me

During the singspiration, two-year old Mariah Ahgeak, one of Warren Matumeak's great-granddaughters, walked up to me during a moment when I had taken a seat in a pew, had set my camera down and had pulled out my silenced iPhone to check the time.
Mariah was very interested in the phone and she knew that it was also a camera. I thought that she wanted me to take a picture of her and show it to her - as so many children do. So I activated the camera, took a picture of her and showed it to her - but that was not what she wanted. She wanted to take the camera and take a picture of me.
I was reluctant to let her take my iPhone, because I feared she might not want to give it back - and it can be hard to explain to a two-year old why she must, but she was so determined and enthusiastic that I relented. I let her take a picture of me with the iPhone.
A bit later, she popped up in front of me again, this time holding a tiny red camera, which she also used to take my picture. She looked so cute and determined with that little red camera, but I could not photograph her because I had a big lens on my camera and it would not focus that close and my iPhone was buried in my pocket.
Two nights later, the family invited me to dinner and she was there.
Again, she wanted to take my picture.
I gave her my iPhone. Here she is, studying her subject before she shoots.
Here she is, photographing her subject.
Now she studies her work.
And here is her subject - me - in the picture that she took during the singspiration for her great-grandfather at the Utqiagvik Presbyterian Church.
I almost want to proclaim her a natural-born photographic genius, because in this simple snap, I can see everything that I was feeling - the deep, unrelenting sadness coupled with my joy and delight at seeing her determination and enthusiasm.
Soon, there will be no need for people like me because people like her are going to cover everything from the inside to a depth that has never been achieved before. Even so, I am glad that I arrived upon the scene in time to be of some use with my camera.
I think Mariah is a genius. I really do. Go back to the top, look into her eyes and tell me otherwise.
Jacob Kagak with his little niece, Theresa Cola Luafulu, Warren's granddaughter.
Darlene Kagak with her little niece, Theresa Cola Luafulu. Dorene took note of the fact that little Annie begun her life's journey at the same time that her grandfather's came to an end.
"The Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away," Darlene said.
And here are the iPhone images that I took of Mariah during the singspiration:
Reader Comments (6)
what beautiful children and Mariah is a genius
Sweethearts, the both of them!
thank you for sharing the pictures of the memorial service and family. I wasn't able to make it and it's nice to see pictures and read bout it... thanks again
Bill, all of these posts documenting your journey through Warren's passing have been very moving. Its amazing how one life begins while another life comes to an end.
I'm sorry I havent commented throughout your journey but I must admit its very hard to see another father being mourned. Please know that you have been in my thoughts, as has all of those that knew and loved Warren.
Maybe you oughta sign that Mariah up to be your able bodied assistant. Her pictures plainly show that you have quite a bit of gray in your facial fuzz, and although we cannot see your teeth, I'm assuming that they are getting long as well. So best to sign that Mariah up now. Get her on board early before other people realize that she is a genius photographer and begin to plead with her. If you don't save her, she'll wind up being a wedding photographer.
True photographic genius! Little Mariah will be something someday.. you are right.. you can tell by her eyes..
She will have a photographic genius to look up too.. :)