Two postmen: one rescues me from mean, vicious, snarling, barking American Bull Dog (imagine it comparing paw notes with the pit) Metro study

On my walk, I see in the near distance - a dog!
An American Bull Dog.
Preparing to attack.
H'mmm... looks familiar... haven't we been through this before?
Like 79 times?
"I'm going to tear your head off, Picture Man!" the dog growls.
Suddenly, before she can attack, she turns, and runs, fleeing in terror, all decorum and modesty forgotten. Someone has come to my rescue. Who could it be?
"Are you okay?" I hear a voice behind me. I turn to my rescuer. It is this postman.
"I'm fine," I say. "That's Tequilla. She doesn't mean any harm. She's just likes to put on a show."
The postman is greatly relieved.
And he is pleased to know he will be in my blog.
He will be remembered forever now.
Except for his name.
I didn't get his name.
So he will be remembered forever as, "Anonymous Postman Who Saved Legendary Wasilla Blogger From Bluff Attack by Sweatheart Barking Bull Dog Named Tequilla."
The Postman drives away and I walk on. Tequilla relaunches the attack, sneaking loudly up from behind.
She stops, pretending with satisfaction that she has done her job and has frightened me away.
Well, once again, our little town's most famous, self-proclaimed, pit bull has managed to dominate national news stories of the past few days. She should get together with this character. They could write notes upon their paws and then stage a barking and growling contest.
"Woof! Woof!" it would be written on the paw of the American Bull dog.
"Bark! Bark!" the Pit Bull's paw would read.
Later, at the usual time, I drive to Metro Cafe, where I come upon a second postman, John. He agrees to pose for, Through the Metro Cafe Window, Study #2.
Certainly, there have been many more images than one already completed in this amazing study, but every study must have a #2. This is my #2.
After we finish the shoot and John leaves, Carmen tells me that more and more postmen are taking their breaks at the Metro Cafe.
"They're really good people," she says. She is glad they have found her.
The school bus drivers, however, just drive right on by during their breaks. "They have a three hour break and they don't even stop," she laments.
C'mon, school bus drivers. Stop at Metro Cafe and get a coffee.
You won't be sorry.
And you might wind up in one of my famous studies.
Then you, too, can be remembered forever.
Reader Comments (9)
That's funny that Tequila departs the scene quickly once the postman shows up. But I'm glad that Bill the legendendary photographer blogger from Wasilla Alaska was saved.
I'm glad Tequila does not live on my block.
Thanks for another giggle, Bill! Your blog is my daily visit with a good friend (who doesn't even know he's my friend.) You have my vote for Real American of the Year -- and I'm grateful to think you live in the same area as that Nitwit American of the Year. Keeps it balanced somehow.
Great post! Woof Woof!
it cracks me up that tequila hasn't figure out who you are, YET! I love see her barking at you!
Aww...Tequila is not unlike my barking bluffer. Lily, my Pit Terrier, is all talk and no walk. She's even scared of cats.
Btw- loved the "bark bark written on her palm" comment. Hahahahaha!
Tooo funny! I think I like Tequila better then the other pit bull you a refering to. Matter of fact, I think Tequila wouldn't have to write her "barking/talking points" on her paws...unlike the other pit bull. Ohhh....I could just go on and on here. Endless embarrassment for us Alaskan's.
I love your studies. Such great people captured thru the window of the Metro Cafe :)
Love the dog too, you can see her sense of satisfaction at a job well done :)
Good. This'll prove to people in the lower 48 that we really do have black people here.