I walk to Metro Cafe and take a few shots inside
Margie took the car and drove to Anchorage to see baby Jobe today, so I did not take my walk until 3:30. Then I headed toward Metro Cafe. As I walked through the melt on the bike and pedestrian trail that is closed to motorized vehicles, I had to step into the slush to let this guy pass.
There is a snowmachine and four-wheeler trail on the other side of the road.
On the other hand, I do have to admit that when the snow falls deep and then the snowmachines illegally come and pack down a path, it is kind of nice.
Down below, a bicycle rider chose the hazards of narrow Lucille Street over the slush of the bike trail.
Remember the cute kids who posed for a through the window study at Metro? I found one of them, Jennifer, left, plus two that were not there that day, playing in a puddle. I was walking in a big hurry so I did not stop to talk and ask questions, like, "hey, you, two! What are your names?" I just took the picture and moved on. The temperature was about 40 degrees, maybe 41 or 42.
When will we get back to winter?
As I am posting this Friday night, it is possible that by Monday, the day this post appears, we will be back into winter, but, somehow, I don't think so.
This is Melissa. She comes to Metro Cafe just about every day. "I look intense," she said, when I showed her the picture.
And this is Joshua, who planned to go church after leaving Metro.
Reader Comments (3)
Okay. You've done it now. I need a cup of good coffee from the Metro. I'm heading out right now. Tell Carmen to have my cup waiting. I want a vanilla cappuccino, lots of foam, no fat milk, double shot of caffeine. Okay? Oh. Make it a large.
I'm with Debby. Coffee, please! Send that 40-degree stuff down here. I'm ready. Our great-grandsons used a garden shovel to dig loose hard, crusty snow from a front sidewalk. It was tough work. Then we played scrabble.
Yesterday I was thinking about Royce. Hope he's doing ok.