Jobe on the phone, a biker in the snow, along with other big vehicles; blogging with Jimmy

I can't believe it! It is now already two full weeks since Jobe was born. And I have not laid eyes upon him for 12 days. I have missed him every single one of those days - just as I have missed his big brother, Kalib. As I waited in the drivethrough at Metro today, I heard the text message tone go off in my iPhone.
It was this picture, sent by Lavina.
Jobe is growing so fast and I am missing it all.
But, weather permitting, Margie and I plan to drive into town after we get up. We will see him again.
Finally, a little new snow. The temperatures are still warm - mid 20's today. Sadly, Laverne is going to take Gracie back to Arizona and the rez on Sunday and unless Nature gets her act together fast, when everybody asks if she froze in Alaska, Laverne will have to say it was warm the whole time she was here.
What fun will that be?
Of course, it's always warm when it snows. It can't snow when the temperature is cold. Maybe we will all get lucky and some cold weather will come just before Laverne and Gracie leaves.
My friends up on the Slope have been experiencing brutal weather lately.
That's what they tell me on Facebook. Nobody has said anything about temperatures. They have just said that it has been cold and windy. And when an Arctic Slope Iñupiat states on Facebook that it is cold and windy, you can pretty much believe its true.
Especially if they say,
A bit further along, I saw this school bus.
And then this snow plow.
Two nights ago, I mentioned how I was typing away with my good black cat buddy, Jimmy, sprawled across my chest. I also noted that I have had a great deal of time to practice this technique.
So tonight, I started working on my blog and, once again, there was Jimmy, sprawled across my chest, except that this time he was lying on his side.
I decided that I might as well try to photograph the scene, so that my readers will know that I do not lie or exagerate. So here I am, typing, working on this very blog post as Jimmy sprawls across my chest.
And I am taking a picture, too.
This is what is known as "multi-tasking."
Jimmy and I are good at it.
Jimmy sits up to think about things. Jimmy likes to think. He is a thinking cat. He is not quite as deep-a-thinker thinking cat as Thunder Paws was, but still, he is a thinking cat.
He thinks about many things.
He is very bright.
He is a bright cat.
A bright black cat.
He then executes a maneuver that would distract a lesser blogger, but, as you can see, I blog on, undettered. My powers of concentration amaze me.
Jimmy and I, blogging together.
Jimmy. My good black cat buddy.
What a character. What a friend.
How could I even do this blog without him?
Reader Comments (10)
Little Jobe is growing so fast. Gosh, you blink and they're heading out the door to live their lives. What a lovely child.
Jimmy looks like a fine dignified feline and he does a great job as your personal assistant. My silly Maine coon cat is very helpful to me in the same way. Nothing passes by without her Cat scan. LOL
And what happens if Jimmy disapproves of a blog post? Is it a cat-astrophic event? Jobe is beautiful. You and Margie enjoy your visit with the grandbabies.
Jobe and Kalib look very much alike to this readers eyes!
Hey, my black cat does that when I am on my laptop or blackberry, too!
My big boy Sunny prefers to operate my laptop on his own - he can open instant messager, put it into sleep mode (a big favorite of course for a cat), access the helps, and so many other features. He's a very bright boy!
2 weeks already!! I can't believe it!! Gosh times flies...
I love Jimmy. And your concentration is admirable :)
i agree w/michelle that jobe and kalib def'ly look alike. just referred a cat-lovin friend of mine from PA to take a look at jimmy. ron sent me this adorable you-tube link that's making the rounds among cat lovers: when my son's cats lived with me, the black one was lying on my chest and bumped my chin with his head. my teeth banged together and wouldn't you know a week later i needed root canal! now the cats live with my son in his own home.
I wish our cat would show affection like your Billy. He is a very independent cat. He thinks a lot about "things" too - most notably he ponders about "how and what can I kill today?"
Jimmy must approve of the blog post!