An insignificant entry

When one or the other of us has been traveling and returns - and it is usually me - Margie and I have a tradition. We always go out to breakfast the next morning. I still had a little over $7.00 left on the Funny Face Family Restaurant gift certificate, so that's where we went.
As always, it was delicious.
On my walk, I found this little saw lying by the side of the road. I often find tools and such as I walk, most of which I am certain have bounced off a snowmachine or four-wheeler.
A hand saw is not the kind of tool you would normally expect to bounce off a snowmachine. Maybe it bounced out of a pickup truck. When you find something like this, you wonder what you should do. Perhaps someone will come back looking for it, if you just leave it there.
More likely, if it bounced off of any kind of vehicle, by the time they discover it is missing, they will just be puzzled as to what could possibly have happened to it. They will never come back looking; if they do, it will already be gone.
So I picked it up and brought it home. But, it does bother me a little bit, so, if you live in Wasilla or nearby and you recognize this as the saw you just lost, you can have it back.
I had not seen this dog before - must be new in the neighborhood.
The above three pictures are all from yesterday. I fell behind after Margie got home, but now I am about to catch up.
This is from today. Margie, who had not driven a car since she left here to go to Arizona one month ago, wanted to drive into Anchorage to help Lavina get a room ready for her sister, Laverne, and Laverne's daughter, Gracie. They will arrive in Anchorage Saturday.
Margie left for town at noon, and I rode as far with her as Metro Cafe - about two miles away. I had never tried a Metro lunch before, it being a fairly recent feature, so I decided today I would. I had a panini ham sandwich and a bowl of tortilla soup, plus a glass of water.
It was just right.
Then I walked home.
Margie called not long after I got home. Lavina had gone to the hospital. Maybe the baby would be coming home, soon. But after a couple of hours, her doctor sent her back home. The doctor thinks it will still be awhile, but says also that it could be anytime.
Royce is hanging in there.
Now, I must keep this post short and simple, as I have much else to do, but struggle to do it.
It will probably be this way for a few days - but when this new baby comes, whatever I've got going on, I will drop it and you will know about it.
I am now caught up - although, actually, I never catch. I am always behind.
Reader Comments (9)
What a lunch! I would need a nap afterward, not a 2 mile walk home!
Thanks for this wonderful update, not insignificant at all. We look forward to the next one!
Even your 'insignificant' posts are fun to read along. Royce looks very weary. Eyes open, aware, but very still within himself. Oh. And that saw? I thought for a minute it might be mine, but I checked. It wasn't. It's not often that you go walking and see a saw.
Oh, and a pearl of wisdom here: It is far better to be behind than to be a behind. So, seems like to me anyway, that you are doing just fine.
you are the best advertisement ever for family restaurant and metro cafe! i want to go there!!
The Metro lunch looks delicious. I am so glad Margie's back in time to welcome the new baby :)
i laffed when i clicked onto your blog and read the title, insignificant blog. how dyou pronounce lavina - laVEENA? i have a woman in my art class named Davida. last nite i called her DaVeeta and she said, No, it's david with an A. bill, we are all excited here in philly cuz a big storm is brewing. they're calling for as much as 24 inches around here. this is the storm that's already hit dc. i've got a pile of books ready to read - found some j d salinger at the library - and wanna watch rocker patti smith tonite on tavis. my boyfriend works at nite so he's walked to the train. when he comes home it'll be difficult to walk in the snow but he's a trooper. he also, as you know from my poem, fixes trains. i'll await word about lavina!
Manx - Trust me - a walk was better. Although, a nap afterward might have been nice, too, had I thought of it.
aview - thank you.
Debby - Sometimes, you might not see a saw, but you might see a see saw.
Dahli - When you do, let me know. We will join you.
Ash - Me too! Thanks.
Ruth - Lahveye nah.
oh, yes, I've seen seesaws while out walking but I don't see saws. But you saw a saw, and by golly you had a camera to commemorate that rare moment.
Else the rest of us would have never saw the saw. See?