Twelve studies of Jobe on the day that he turned four weeks old (Kalib works his way in, too)

Jobe at four weeks, Study # 1: It had been too long since we had last seen Jobe and so on this, the day that he turned four weeks old, Margie and I shirked our various responsibilities and drove into Anchorage to visit him. Kalib was at daycare. Lavina had been spending all of her time inside the house, caring for baby, so we let her take our car and we stayed alone with Jobe.
Here he is, sleeping in his grandma's arms.
Study # 2: Sleeping in his grandma's arms, another view.
He begins to wake up.
He wakes up and cries out for milk. Margie hands him to me and then goes to the kitchen to warm up a bottle of momma's breast milk that Lavina left in the refrigerator.
Now he is in my arms.
His little hand.
He brings his little hand to his mouth.
Margie returns with the milk, takes Jobe from me and feeds him. The bottle leaks. His pajamas get wet.
Margie lays him upon the changing table. Blue dolphins swim through the air above him.
After removing his wet clothing, grandma puts dry ones on him.
Having changed him, grandma smooths out his pajama collar.
Grandma holds and pats him as Kalib looks out at me from a picture that I took when he was within a week of the same age.
Jobe at four weeks, Study # 12: Back in his mother's arms. Before returning to the house, she stopped at daycare, picked Kalib up early and brought him home.
Kalib also starred in many shots after this. It is my intent to continue on with this day's take tomorrow, with the emphasis on Kalib.
But who knows what will happen between now and then?
Still, it is my intent. I'm pretty sure I will do it.
Reader Comments (12)
Thank you, Bill. What precious grandsons you have.
i see a resemblance with Kalib...what precious little Boys
I think those two are going to look very much alike! Nice pictures.
She already knows it well, but tell Lavinia for me that she and Jacob are truly blessed by the Creator. These two boys! So beautiful.
Being a Mom of a baby was the very best part of my life. My baby is 37 years old but she's still my baby...I don't tell her that...but she is. I have to let her be who she is now but I still would like to sneak back for a 24-hour period and be with her as she was then. There should be a law. That we can do that. Once a year at least.
I love the picture of his little face while he's in his Grandma's arms. And yep. Kalib and Jobe look so much alike they could be brothers. Oh. Wait....
Bill - Thankyou again for sharing your sweet grandsons with us.
Tomorrow I'm sure you will do what you can.
Love this post!
I cant believe how much Jobe and Kalib look alike. And those adorable cheeks of Jobe, wow! Geez, I have serious baby fever now!
just fantastic, bill! i showed scott and he said millions of years of evolution produced mother's milk, the best there is! my lil breast-fed babies never got sick when they were kids.
beautiful little baby ...
Bill! I cant believe that I can fall in Love again! Save Manu! I am gonna elope wid Jobe ASAP! Cute Cute kid! I wish he could stay like that untill I visited him in Alaska! :(
Last but one pic is fabulous! Umwaahh to sweet little Prince! :)
Dad, don't know if you heard but Jobe laughed for the 1st time today. Mom is headed to our place and we are going to celebrate with Indian Tacos. Sorry you can't be there, I will have you taco.