Kalib bonks Mom and Grandma on the head; horses run to Ron; Margie and Jobe

As I leave for Boston, enroute to Nantucket, early Wednesday morning, I had told myself that I would put only one picture in this blog tonight, and write no more than two or three sentences.
But I did not know that Kalib and Jobe were going to drive out with their good mom so that they could see me before I left.
I was conducting a phone interview when Margie came in to tell me they were here and I had to shoo her off. I was talking through an almost invisible headset, so she did not know I was on the phone and kept talking to me even as the person I was interviewing was answering my questions and I was trying to type them down.
When I finished the interview, I came into the house and this is what I found: Kalib, about to bonk his grandma on the head as his mother fed his little brother.
Then he bonked his mom on the head. Thank goodness, he didn't try to bonk Royce.
Next, he bonked himself. He did not try to bonk me. I felt a little left out.
At 4:00 PM, I took Lavina and Kalib to Metro and then we sipped our drinks as we took the long way home and drove past the Mahoney Ranch horses. As you can see, the horses were on the run.
We drove down to the end of Sunrise, turned around and drove back and there we saw Ron Mancil, in the midst of the horses that he had just fed.
As I drove along this road, I thought how quickly I will be in a totally different kind of environment. I am always eager to travel and to see new places and meet new people, but at the same time I always hate to leave home, too.
Margie and Jobe.
At this time tomorrow, I hope to be sound asleep in Massachusetts.
I'm such an insomniac that I can't guarantee it.
Or I might be working on this blog, posting pictures from my travels.
Now, I must finish packing and then go to bed.
Reader Comments (5)
can't wait to hear and see all about it Kalib and Jobe are just adorable
So good to see Kalib and Jobe. My how Jobe has grown! Those cheeks of his are just too cute!
I do hope you get to post pics from Massachusetts! I grew up there,although on the opposite side of the state from where you are, but still, any pics of "home" are always nice to see!
The picture of Kalib bonking himself on the head.. Cutest picture ever.. And Jobe keeps getting cuter every day too.. :)
I think Kalib remembers what happened to him when he tested Royce's patience some months ago... (ouch)
Boy, Kalib was in high spirits wasn't he?