Nantucket whaling: preview of what will be a small glimpse

Yesterday I said that today I would post a small account of what I had seen and learned about the Yankee commercial whaling enterprise that began here out of Nantucket, Massachusetts, but when I sat down to do it, I discovered that I was so sleepy I couldn't. So, in a state of stupor, I just flopped down and watched a little TV - a strange mix of MSNBC and Fox News - Keith Olberman, Bill O'Rielly, Rachel Maddow, Sean Hannity.
I decided I had better post at least one picture and settled on this one that I had taken during a short walk on the beach on what had prooved to be a rainy, blustery day. I will still make the big Nantucket whaling post that I had planned. Maybe tomorrow, maybe later.
Then I thought of this picture, that I took inside the home of Bob and Nina Hellman. It depicts the sailing ships that set out into that sea to hunt the whale with the sculpted women that adorned their bow. I figured it wouldn't take that long for me to add it in.
And then I thought I might as well add in just one more. This is a tiny part of the amazing collection of whaling weapons and tools that is part of the amazing collection of whaling weapons, tools, and other artifacts gathered by Bob Hellman over the past half-century. The sperm whale eating the squid is in proportion to a 46 foot whale once found with a 30 foot squid in its digestive tract.
Sperm whales can be 80 feet long, so it was of modest size.
Readers will see more of Bob and his collection, along with others, when finally I am able to find the time and energy to cobble this together.
Reader Comments (1)
Now I want to see Nantucket. The world is so full of interesting places, people, critters, things. Sad that we'll never get to see them all. BTW, I have a young woman from Alaska in my class...she is missing out on long Alaska sunny days and I'm betting she wishes she were there. Instead of here.