My lens smudged and dirty, I walk into Central Park, where I am greeted by a smiling dog

I had barely stepped into Central Park when I saw this little dog, smiling at me.
I also saw this woman, photographing what I took to be a cherry tree. She said that she did not think it was a cherry tree, but rather a tree that she thought was pretty, but could not identify.
I still think it was a cherry tree, but I could be wrong and she could be right.
I saw a big rock, with many people upon it.
A jet passed overhead.
A girl slid carefully down the rock...
...another slid down a slippery slide... did still another.
I saw a bunch of boys, sitting upon a rail fence as they watched...
...another boy leap over a picnic table.
I saw a young man practicing his rock climbing skills. I asked him if he ever did serious rock climbing and where. He said yes, and named the Adirondacks. He radiated pride when he told me that, so I did not tell him that I was from Alaska.
He was loving his mountains and I did not wish to upstage him in even the smallest way.
I saw a little boy, shooting bubbles at a little girl.
I followed the sound of a drumbeat, and then came upon this fellow. I looked for a container into which I might drop a coin, but found none. He was not begging, he was practicing.
I was amazed to see leaves like this so early in the spring.
I found a little road upon which a pretty woman roller-bladed.
Other people pedaled bicycles...
...some rolled by on push scooters... fellow cranked his way past on a hand-cycle.
Along came a trike, followed by a horse-drawn wagon.
I found a pair of lovers, intertwined with each other, oblvious to my presence.
Another pair of lovers had just taken their vows before a justice of the peace. Now, they had begun their honeymoon. They told me their names, but I did not speak them into my iPhone and so I forgot.
A helicopter passed overhead... did a squirrel.
A little girl rode a horse without using her hands while eating a sucker...
...and a teen wearing high-heeled boots jumped between two oppositely oscillating ropes.
Since I got this pocket camera in December, I have been working the battery hard and heavy and all of a sudden, it has grown weak. It died immediately after I took this picture of a young woman teaching a younger boy how to manipulate his skateboard. If the battery had still had the ability to retain a charge that it had up until very recently, it would have still been good for at least 200 more frames - maybe 300. There was much left in Central Park for me to see and photograph.
I did not feel too badly about it, though, because I figured that I had taken enough pictures and if I were to take anymore, I would just have to spend that much more time editing them.
Yet, just as I was exiting the park, I saw something that I had to photograph.
So I pulled out my iPhone - as I would two more times after my pocket camera battery would again die in New York. I will post some iPhone pictures on another day.
Next up: A quick stop in the old graveyard across the street from where the Twin Towers once stood.
Reader Comments (12)
I cannot get over the fact that you were in Central Park and did not take a picture of Balto. Must be due to your battery. I love central park, and the music, and the aliveness of it, the naturalness of it, set in the heart of something that is not natural at all.
That little church is awesome, isn't it? Seems strange that you were so close....
You made me want to be there!
Want to know something (or a lot) more about those big rocks in Central Park. A fascinating book, "In Suspect Terrain," by John McPhee - as little as $1.24 on - is well worth your time. But then *everything by McPhee is worth your time, believe me!
Multiculturalism - thy name is NYC. Lovely!
from the sky to the rocks and everything in between. i'm having serious tree envy...especially of that golden chain tree.
Lovely! Darn battery! Thank you, will probably never get there, but feel like I've been!
You gave me big smiles today, Bill. Love the exuberance and vitality of NYC and especially Central Park. Would love to visit again one more time. Photos are lovely!
What an exuberant series! Thank you for sharing.
the world through your eyes is, as usual, an extremely interesting place
This is truly an amazing series of photos! I can hardly believe that they were all taken with your little camera. I am really glad that it has worked out so well for you. I think this is one of my favorite series of Bill goes more than 300 miles outside of Wasilla journeys.
Take care,
without question, your best photos ever, bill! you truly captured the essence of central park. if only there was someone out there who would buy them.
To all: I have been very negligent about responding to comments lately (although I always read them) just because I have been overwhelmed with so many things. When the day comes to an end, I simply cannot pull the energy out of myself to answer comments. But I see that as an important part of what a blogger should do, so I am going to try to get back on track.
Debby - Yes, you are right. I had intended to photograph Balto, but I moved through the park at turtle speed and, long before I reached Balto, my battery had died. Next time.
ManxMamma: You must go.
Albert: Thanks for the suggestion. I must do that. In Alaska, we are all familiar with John McPhee. I have great respect for him.
Michelle: Yes, absolutely. That's one of the many things that makes me so proud of New York City.
Dahli - Thanks. I wondered what kind of tree that was.
Kathryn: I think maybe you will get there. Given its place in American and world history and culture, along with the pure dynamism of the place I would suggest to anyone that if they possibly can, they visit New York City.
Grandma - Always glad when I can make you smile.
CGinWi - You are most welcome.
Wendy - Thank you!
Charlie - It would have been even more fun if you, Melanie, Diamond, Bear Meech and Poof had been tagging along.
Ruth - Thank you. That would be nice. Very soon, I must figure out a way to generate some income with this blog.