Desperate to live on, winter gives us a 35 degree blast of snow and rain, but spring continues to win; Kalib gives us all a bad scare

Now that I have an iPhone and can listen to the radio on it, I had decided to pedal to Metro Cafe instead of drive. Plus, the weather has been so nice lately, I figured that maybe I could get my coffee and then sit at one of the little tables on the patio.
That way, I wouldn't burn up any gas and I would still get to travel and listen to the news.
But, when I stepped out my front door, I was greeted by a fierce mix of rain and snow, coming down hard.
So I got into the car and headed to Metro.
I did not shoot a study there, because Carmen was busy with some folks and could not come to the window. Afterward, I drove onto Church Road and this is what it looked like.
Two days earlier, we had been pleasantly shocked by 65 degree temperatures. Now it was 35. In Barrow, this would be outrageously hot for this time of year, but for Wasilla it was on the cool side.
That 91.1 is for KSKA, where All Things Considered was playing.
Church and Spruce.
Down by the park, the same one that I featured Monday, I saw three girls, eager to cross the road. They had probably not expected this storm to hit so suddenly when they set out to walk.
Now they were getting wet - and cold, I suspect.
In some places, the snow began to accumulate.
In other places, it didn't. This is on Schrock, where the temperature was just the same and the precipitation as heavy, but there was no snow in it. Only rain.
Out of curiosity, I circled back to Church and found that it was still coming down as snow there.
Curious lady, Mother Nature.
As I drove, my iPhone rang. It was Lavina. Kalib had become worse. He had blisters in his mouth and could not eat or drink. He was drooling. He was feverish. He was miserable. Jacob was coming home and they were going to take him to the emergency room.
I headed straight home after that, and gave Margie the car so that she could go in and take care of Jobe. I had work to do and so stayed put
Around 8:00 PM or so, I broke from my work to tale a walk. I felt very nervous. I looked at the trees and I could see that buds had become prominent on the deciduous trees.
Very soon, we will see leaves.
Try as winter might to deny it, it has been defeated.
A jogger jogged past me.
I picked my way along the muddy trail.
When I reached home, I saw these two balls on the roof - undoubtedly the work of Kalib, assisted by his Uncle Caleb.
I went into the house and called Margie.
Although we would have to wait 24 hours for the tests that had been run on Kalib to be diagnosed, the news was good. He had taken medication that had removed the pain from his mouth. He was eating, he was drinking, his spirits were good and his energy renewed; he had come home.
Lavina also had blisters in her mouth when she got sick last week, but now she is fine.
I am certain Kalib will be too.
Lavina is now breast-feeding Jobe again.
Reader Comments (7)
Crazy weather yesterday! My daughter had a soccer game at Colony so we left Houston at 4:30, in the midst of blue skies and temps around 52*. As we headed down the Parks we saw this huge wall of black clouds sitting over the Valley. Just as we passed Church Rd the rain and hail began, but as we moved down the Palmer-Wasilla Hwy the rain began to disappear. However, we were cold the entire game, since we were not prepared for the drastic change in temps. It was 36* and my kids had shorts on,ooops! Thankfully we had extra jackets in the truck and we all huddled together the entire time.
Poor Kalib :( I hope he starts feeling his happy self ASAP!
Those little ones give us lots of scares. Hopefully Kalib will rebound very quickly!
We have blue skies and lilacs blooming in Minnesota. The aroma of spring beginning to bloom is wonderful!
Awww, hope Kalib is feeling better soon. It was 80 here yesterday, very early spring.
Glad to Hear that Kalib is doing better! That sounded pretty serious.
Hope Kalib is better soon, poor lil guy!
So you're coming on the 15th? Will you be near here, have time for lunch?
How lucky Lavina and Jacob are to be raising their own family within the loving arms of their extended family. Well done, grandma and grandpa.
Glad the little guy is feeling better.
To all: Kalib is on his way out with his mom and Jobe right now, so he must be feeling better. I will take pix and post them tomorrow.
Lisa - Yes, strange weather. I hope your daughter won. Good thing that you had those extra jackets.
Grandma Nancy - no blooms here yet, but I think there will be within the week - complete with all the aromas.
mocha - too hot! And yet, I will be in Phoenix is just under two weeks.
Cyndy - Yes. Very frigthening.
Mikey - Let's keep in contact. That would be fun, if I can work it out. My first order of business is to get to the bedside of my friend, Vincent Craig, who I wrote about awhile back. I do want to meet you and your daughter who always wears a dress even when riding horses. It seems like it ought to be possible.
Debby - Yes, and we are the lucky ones. After Jacob joined the commission corps, they could have sent them anywhere in the world where the US provides any kind of medical care through military or Indian Health services.