As two boys pedal down Lucille bike trail a dog crosses the road; his people chase after; little kid on motor-bike nearly gets hit

It was a gorgeous, warm day - temperature 56 degrees farenheit - and as I drove down Lucille towards Metro, I felt the heat of the sun coming through the windows to toast up the interior of the loaner car. I wondered if perhaps it was time to get an icy frappe instead of a steaming Americano, but I wanted a muffin, too, so I stuck with the Americano.
Then, as I waited for a break in traffic so that I could turn out of the Metro driveway back onto Lucille, I saw these two kids coasting down the bike trail - looking oh so cool as they stood on the pegs that protrude out from their rear axles.
Traffic cleared and I pulled onto Lucille, just in time to see this dog break away from the couple who was walking it and dash across Lucille, toward the boys on the bikes.
The couple then dashed across the road in pursuit of the dog.
The man then chased the dog past the next church down.
The dog dashed pass one of the biking boys who, apparently startled by the yelling and shouting, had stopped his bike.
The dog raced happily on. And I drove on. I saw the dog, the couple, and the kids on the bikes no more.
And then I saw two little boys to the left of me, driving their little motor bikes where the bike trail goes. Motor vehicles are prohibited on the bike trail, so, apparently not wanting to break the law the boy in the lead, this boy, gunned his engine and shot across the road to the dirt trail on the other side.
By his nervous glance and body language, I could see the second boy did not want to be left behind and, even though it was too dangerous to do, was trying to decide to cross as well.
I moved my right foot off the gas pedal and brought it lightly to the brake. Sure enough, the second boy decided to go for it. I had to hit my brake, hard, to keep from hitting him.
I then drove on. I ate my cranberry muffin and sipped my Americano.
I then cut across to Church Road, where I saw this couple walking.
As readers returning in great anticipation from yesterday's post have undoubtedly noted, I had planned something else for today, but this just popped up, it was quick and easy to do, I have been going like crazy and just got a huge project, the budget for which I depleted about two months ago - to press last night, the day is beautiful, I am burned out, and I just want to find some way to get out and enjoy that beauty.
I wish Margie could join me, but she still cannot do anything physical and I must get out under the open sky today and do something physical.
I still have not decided what. A long, long, bike ride would be good, but I am still not in shape for a long, long, bike ride.
The places that I like to hike will be a slushy mess, so I am ruling that out.
I must do something, though.
Reader Comments (4)
I'm trying to talk my husband into getting a ping pong table today. He's hesitant for some reason.
The activity will be in chasing the balls around and it will be fun!
hope you found something interesting to do.
Bill, I wanted to let you know, I lost my hyperthyroid cat over the easter weekend (it was not his thyroid, but other ailments that did for him at last). I noticed you posted a couple of days ago that Royce is not following you out. I hope he will as things warm up. My old guy's last afternoon was spent with me outdoors, small wanderings, a bit of scritching, and a final nap in the sun.
I hope Royce will continue to enjoy life for a long time to come, but if the time comes when you need to say goodbye, make sure your last day together is a good one, for you, for Royce and for Kalib.
Michelle - Ping pong! I always loved those little balls. I haven't seen one in years.
Twain - I did, as you know by now.
problem child: I'm glad your old boy got to spend his final day in a good way, with you. I am worried about what will happen with Royce now that we will all be going to Arizona. We want to find a good housesitter, but Royce requires a great deal of extra attention and much of it is unpleasant. I am not certain how we can find someone who will give him the attention he needs.