Back in Wasilla, where a moose ran into the trees and Branson caught a fish, I glimpse back at Cibecue Creek

It is a beautiful Saturday here in Wasilla, Alaska. The sun shines brightly upon foilage, lucious and green. The air is pleasantly warm, leaning towards hot but not quite there yet. A light breeze rustles the leaves and the aroma given off by all this new greenery and blossoming flowers is sweet.
So I don't really want to spend the day inside, yet I have spent the past two-and-a-half hours doing just that - editing my take of May 27, when several of us took a hike up Cibecue Creek from the place where it empties into the Salt River. This, of course, took place in the homeland of Arizona's White Mountain Apache Tribe, of which my wife and children are all enrolled members.
It was a hike that began in desert heat intense enough to cause me to wonder if it was such a good idea for all of us to take off into it with a two-and-a-half year old boy walking along, but our destination would be one of magic, if we could but reach it.
Do you think this little boy, Kalib, could handle the six-hour hike that lay ahead of him?
I can't spend anymore time on it right now, but please come back tomorrow and I will show you.
I have a great deal of catching up to do - from my trips to Arizona and to Anaktuvuk Pass. I hope to get all caught up within a week, possibly two, certainly no more than three, because three weeks from right now the plan is for me to be on my way to Greenland - I MUST be caught up by then.
Kalib, by the way, is enrolled not in the White Mountain Apache Tribe but in the Navajo Nation. Both the Apache and Navajo are matrilineal societies, hence Kalib and Jobe belong to their mother's tribe and clan.
Just to make it clear that I truly am back in Wasilla, where I am attempting to slip back into my "normal home routine" for the three weeks that it might be possible to do so, here is a moose that I caught with my pocket camera as I drove down Shrock Road.
Even as I catch up on Arizona and Anaktuvuk Pass, I will drop in images from Wasilla, just to keep up to date.
Just before I came upon the moose, I had made the usual afternoon stop at Metro Cafe, where Carmen showed me this picture that she took of her son, Branson, her husband Scott and the fish Branson had just caught. As you can see, it is a special moment, but it is even more special than you likely realize, for there is a bigger story here.
I will tell it when time and circumstance permit. Carmen is going to throw a big five-year birthday party for Branson on the 27th. She thought that this would be a good time for me to come, take pictures and tell the story, but I will be Greenland then.
I am excited to be making my second trip to Greenland, but I hate to miss this party.
That's how this life is, though. To experience one thing, you must miss out on another - no: a trillion-plus others. An infinite number of others.
I find this very frustrating.
In keeping with tradition, I now title this image: Through the Window Metro Study, #6699.

Reader Comments (3)
I can't wait see see all the pictures, i didn't know about the tribes and how children belonged to their mothers tribe, always good to learn something new and i always learn something new reading your blog. How exiting that you will get to go to Greenland, i would love to someday visit.
It's so interesting to hear you speak of Greenland because the latest National Geo is all about Greenland being at the forefront of climate change. It made me think of you knowing that you photographed for Geographic and knowing your ties to the people of our North.
What a fascinating trip that will be! Such an incredible land, I got lost in the Geo for the last few days, whenever I had a moment to actually read a magazine.
Have a fabulous trip; I still have your newspapers in my car but I'm sure you are caught up on local news by now so I'll just take them to recycling unless you tell me you want them.
twain12 - Thanks. I'm looking forward to Greenland. And the good thing is, I will have but one responsibility there - to blog!
Alicia - I have not seen the latest NG. I must find it and look it up. My wife just came home last night. Wherever I am, as long as I can get internet, I always check the ADN pretty much everyday but she is a computer/internet phoebe and she might like those papers. She hasn't gotten up, yet, but I think she will want them, if you haven't recycled them yet.
And thanks. You saved me much peace of mind.