A man wearing an orange shirt pedals his bicycle north on Tamar, toward the Talkeetna Mountains

This is the ONLY picture that I have taken since I put up my last post. Although I never let a day go by without taking at least one picture and usually anywhere from a dozen or so to a thousand or more on a big, intense, shoot, I did not want to take very many pictures today. I already had a post planned for this slot and I knew that if I took a bunch of pictures, at some point I would have to take some time to edit them.
I did not want to take the time.
But I have to get up early Wednesday morning to take the Escape into the shop for some warranted work and then I must drive the loaner car to Anchorage to take care of a very important task. Despite thinking that I would just veg all afternoon and evening, that I would walk, ride my bike, drive my car, do whatever, I found myself with a cascade of tasks to attend to and so I did not veg.
I did take one very short walk, late in the evening, and that was when I saw this guy riding his bike ahead of me.
As to the post that I had planned - one that would make a tie between what I did in Arizona and Anaktuvuk Pass - it is just going to have to wait one more day.
It is 10:26 PM and, just like last night, I haven't the energy to continue tonight.
So I will set the blog-timer for this to appear at 11:00 AM and will do the post that I had planned for today tomorrow.
I have one more task I must do before I go to bed. It, at least, will help bring in some genuine revenue.
I apologize for being so exhausted.
I must get a bit rested over the next couple of weeks so that I can go to Greenland and exhaust myself all over again.
That should be fun. I will take you all with me. It will be good - not what most of you probably think - but very good.
Reader Comments (6)
PLEASE. STOP APOLOGIZING!! I am just tickled when I stop by and you have something posted and I can learn a little something. I so look forward to "OUR" trip to Greenland!! Rest up so "WE" can have a great journey!!!
can't wait for the trip and like Gloria said rest up !!
I've never been to Greenland! Take good care of yourself.....
Looking forward to our Greenland trip! Rest up.
Amazing! I read in an earlier post you were going to Greenland. I am thrilled that you are taking us too! Thank you! I am looking forward to the trip, but want you to be well rested before we go, so please take all the time you need to prepare. Greenland here we come!
hey bill i'll get to see you in greenland also unless we land gods gift i'll keep you posted