Charlie: Two studies; bubbles in the Indian wind

Those who visited this blog yesterday know that I posted only the first image that I shot from a day that was spent with Kalib, Jobe, Lisa, Melanie, Charlie, Caleb and Margie. Since then, I have been debating with myself as to whether or not I should go ahead and post a series of photos from that day or just move on to other topics - as I do have many items backing up, including Junipurr's scary fight for life and a Metro Cafe event where I found myself warmly engulfed by a horde of beautiful women.
I decided to post and I have now spent at least an hour-and-a-half preparing the photos for that post, but I can't afford to spend anymore time at it.
So, I will save it all for tomorrow, except for these two academic studies of Charlie:
Charlie Study, #3982: Charlie sitting on a chair, caught by window light
Charlie Study, #67692: Charlie, caught by headlights, as he prepares to drive from Wasilla to Anchorage
But I must also include one from India:
After we passed the elephants, Anil and Melanie made bubbles in the wind.
Reader Comments (5)
Ah Yes, the man with the international beard........most academic.
Lovely! Charlie & Melanie is looking great!
gorgeous, gorgeous portraits. I long to find someone who could take some of me and make me look that illuminated and entirely myself. Wonderful!
Charlie looks like his Maternal G.G.G. Grandpa in these photos. I'll try to copy and send you one from a 1800's oval frame. ;)
MgSoCal - Academic shots of a studious mind.
Gane - Yep. Thanks.
D - thank you. And probably there is a photographer near you who could do it.
Cyndy - I look forward to that. I hope he has a beard.