The girl who sat across the room at breakfast time

As usual when Margie is off spending her weekdays in town to help Lavina with the little ones, I got up thinking that I should fix myself some oatmeal, for reasons of economy, health and time, but quickly found an excuse not to. It was cold in the house, maybe about 40-45 degrees and to build a fire felt like a waste of wood, what with Margie not here to enjoy the heat.
She has the car, so I got on my bike and pedaled to Abby's Home Cooking. There were many frozen puddles along the way and I made a point to pedal right across as many of them as I could. Some broke, crunched and crackled beneath my tires and some didn't. The ones that broke did so because after the surface had frozen, the water beneath had gone away, leaving just air bubbles behind and the ice covering those bubbles was not strong enough to support the weight of me and my bike.
Then I got to Abby's and it was warm inside. I ordered ham, eggs over easy, hashbrowns and coffee.
I'm not quite sure what Danille, Abby's grandniece who will be two next week, had ordered. Maybe it was a breakfast milkshake... an eggs, bacon, potatoes and blueberry pancake shake.
I've never had one, but I understand they are quite tasty.
Reader Comments (2)
wow, great little story, bill! love your description of waking up in a cold house, then biking along the road cracking over the ice. you're sure not affraid of the cold! yesterday it was 50 degrees in suburban philly and i was freeeezing!
I feel like I am there...
Thank you remind that life can be simple and beautiful....
A civilian from broken Greece