Chicken and chicks at Abby's Home Cooking - all elements of this post made possible by Steve Jobs

I got up this morning, stepped outside and found that everything was frozen. I always go out for breakfast the morning after I return from a trip, so I warmed up the car, buckled Jobe into his car seat, got Margie and then jumped in to drive off to Abby's Home Cooking, but the windshield had iced-over, so I had to clean it off.
I kind of forgot about that kind of thing while I was in New York, sweltering most of the time.
I did not take my camera to Abby's, but decided that I would rely solely on my iPhone, so that is what I used to photograph this chicken and chicks that sit in a window at Abby's.
iPhone - one of Steve Job's gifts to the world. Of course, I put this post together on a Macintosh. Rather than drag Margie out here into my office to show her the post on my computer, I will show it to her on my iPad.
This Steve Jobs guy - he totally remade my life.
I'm going to miss him.
Reader Comments (7)
I too will miss him . . . .
This Steve Jobs guy - he totally remade our world and the way we live in it. How different life would have been without him. Thank you for all the good you've done, Mr. Jobs. We appreciate it. Bought my first Mac in 1986 and have not been without one ever since.....
i'm not a Mac or I pad person , but he did accomplish a remarkable thing
Every time I have my grands (6 and 4) and they get fussy and I dig out my iPod and they play games (Angry Birds is the favorite right now) or watch a video, I thank Steven Jobs.
Last week during yet another high school soccer game, the 11 & 13 year old grands were watching the movie "Rio" on my iPod sharing the earbuds between them. Again, thank you Steven Jobs!
We bought our first computer in 1985, an Apple IIe. We thought we were something..we even doubled the capacity to a whopping 128K! Who would dream that the whole industry would develop to what it is now....and how mind boggling to think what is to come.
So RIP Steven Jobs!
He was in my opinion a 21st century Edison.
I hear ya brother! How many people can truly say they changed the world for the good of mankind? Rest In Peace, Steve.
How many read the news using one of his products?
Somewhere, there's a nerd tinkering in his/her parent's garage who will know it's ok to think outside the box, to dream big dreams and follow his/her heart, That's what Steve Job's legacy proves.
Rest In Peace, Steve. You left the world a better place and you'll be missed.