Before the game and the landing of two whales, a fox appeared, followed by a snowy owl

This is the fox, as photographed through a multi-paned, dirty window in the hallway of Barrow High School, where I had gone to meet the Barrow Whaler's football team, which on this day would face Monroe Catholic from Fairbanks - the only team that had beaten them during regular season play.
As the Barrow Whalers football team worked to pysche themselves toward the goal of "redemption" and a victory that if achieved would send them to the state championship game in Chugiak next week, Barrow whalers in boats had set out in motor boats to ply the temporarily ice-free waters of the Chukchi on the first day of the fall whaling season.
This is the owl. Some Barrow Whalers ball players standing nearby speculated that it might swoop down upon the fox, lift it high into the air and then drop it so that it might kill it and eat it, but it didn't.
I am happy to report that the Barrow Whalers football players got their redemption - they defeated Monroe Catholic, 28-14, and will be in Chugiak in one week, where I hope they make history and become the first Barrow football team to win the state championship.
The Barrow whalers plying the sea landed two bowheads - the first by the Aiken crew, who I followed in my book, Gift of the Whale, and the second by the crew of Louis Brower.
I did photograph the game and I did get some whale butchering photos, but I haven't looked at any of them yet and am saving them for the printed page.

Reader Comments (6)
great pictures..the fox picture is pretty clear for being shot through a window. We are celebrating Thanksgiving here in Canada and i'm thankful i found your wonderful blog
Uncle, the picture looks nice, especially the owl sitting on the electric pole. I never got a glimpse of such owls, is that spotted owl? Fox is so fluffy, very beautiful.
Beautiful animals. Both of 'em. BTW, I got a picture of Booker C today.
PS How much snow is lying on the ground in Barrow?
Thanks, Twain.
Nephew, these are known as snowy owls, ukpik in Iñupiaq.
Debby, not that much snow. With annual precipitation about the same as Phoenix, Barrow seldom gets huge amounts of snow. But once it falls, the snow does not melt, but can pile up in huge drifts.
Wow - Booker C. I must meet him.
I love the picture of the fox...beautiful. It certainly looks cold there....I guess it's coming here soon, too.