Following The King's Speech, Jobe stands ready to walk

I did, indeed, break away from this desk, grab Margie, drive to town and go to the movie. We didn't even have to pay, because Melanie had given us a gift card to Century 21 in Anchorage for Christmas, so finally we used part of it. We saw, The Kings Speech, which I rather enjoyed.
Afterward, we headed to Jake and Lavina's. I knew that if Jobe had taken his first steps, we would have heard about. As we had heard no such thing, I hoped that he might take his first steps during our short visit.
Even though he cannot yet walk, he came out to greet us before we reached the door. Kalib observed from inside the front room.
Margie had grown almost desperate to see her grandsons again. Soon, she had Jobe on her lap, hugging and cuddling him.
Jobe noticed his grandpa.
Kalib ate jello with a spoon.
Then he stood on his dad's leg and did some cussing.
Actually, he didn't cuss. I just wanted to add a little drama to the scene.
I would have let you think so, but then I would have gotten in trouble with the female members of the family.
The males would all have been proud.
Kalib with his mom. She is cussing at him!
I think I am in trouble now, anyway - even though I have clarified things.
Jobe spots Melanie coming and cusses at her.
Then Kalib and Melanie spot a neighbor carrying her baby to the car to go a nearby restaurant, where they will dine on raise\in and cucumber soup, with olives.
They do not cuss at her, because it is not polite to cuss at innocent neighbors.
Okay - time to get serious now. Learning to walk is serious stuff.
Next, I lay down on the floor between Jobe and the TV. I hoped Jobe might take his first steps, so that I could photograph the moment.
He stood, did not step, and then plopped down on his butt.
But he got right back up and stood again. Melanie came dashing over, excited to see where this action might lead.
Oh, boy! He is standing good! Will he walk?
He is contemplating it. I know he can do it. He's just got to decide he's going to and then he will.
"Go kid, go! Walk!" Muzzy give him some nose encouragement.
But he doesn't walk. He again plops down on his butt, crawls to his Aunt Melanie, stands up using her leg for support and turns to watch the TV, on which the movie "Up" is playing. Melanie covers his eyes. She thinks he watchs too much TV and does not approve.
Reader Comments (3)
awwwww. he is just so cute!
as a mother of two Boys I fought the cuss monster all the time, i don't think i succeeded ;)
dahli22 - Indeed, he is.
Twain12 - Yep. Cussing is just too fun for boys - and these days, lots of girls, too, I notice.