When no other spatula will do - another spatula will just have to do; two women on opposite sides of the road

As Kalib and Jobe have had but a small presence in this blog as of late, I back up now to Saturday night, when I went to their house to pick up Margie after the Fur Face beard contest. As I walked up the stairs, I saw a little face peeking over the safety gate at me.
Who the hell was it?
Why, it was Jobe!
And he was damn glad to see his grandpa.
Actually, I back up even a little further now - to just before I went to the beard contest, when I dropped Margie off. When we arrived, Jobe was napping and Kalib and his dad were out walking and playing in the nearby frozen and snowy park.
They soon arrived home and Kalib was carrying golf balls. Apparently, there had been some kind of golf tournament out in that park, probably associated with Anchorage Fur Rendezvous.
Some of the golfers had lost their balls.
Kalib had found them.
Margie helped Kalib out of his coat and then I left to find Charlie and his beard.
Now, back to late at night - to just before I took Margie to the car and drove her home. Kalib's spatula appeared, looking just like it always had. As regular readers know, for Kalib the Spatula Kid there was one spatula and one spatula only.
No other spatula would do.
But this was a different spatula.
His parents found it on ebay and it was identical to the spatula that got lost, an event that caused Kalib to pick up and glom onto a pair of tongs. They snatched it right up.
You will note that even though Kalib now has his same/different spatula back, he still carries his tongs.
Kalib is becoming quite expert at manipulating those tongs.
Self-portait: me, Kalib and Jacob.
As for the Iditarod Restart - I just had too much to do and could not take the time to go. I felt bad about it, but there were all kinds cameras there, operated by amateur and pro alike. There will be no shortage of images.
And this one from India:
Two ladies walking on opposite sides of the road at dusk.
Reader Comments (1)
Good stuff, we just met with the Boys Daycare, Jobe will be moving up into the toddlers class next month....