Kalib flicks dirt into Melanie's face - is he outgrowing the spatula phase? Branson graduates; Margie goes and I am left alone again

Melanie showed up late in the afternoon and gave Jim a pet as Kalib slyly observed.
This is the shoe Melanie wore on her left foot. The one she wore on her right foot looks pretty much the same, except that the toe tapers in the opposite direction.
When next I observed Melanie and Kalib, they had moved to the front yard. Kalib was busy observing something himself. What could it be?
It was ants. Fat, black, ants.
Not long afterward, I found them back in the back yard, a bit beyond the spot where Margie had placed the dinosaur boots that Kalib had muddied in the swamp the day before out to air dry after she had cleaned them.
But what are Kalib and Melanie up to in the background?
And what is that in Kalib's hands?
Oh - the thing that Kalib holds is a weed plucking tool. And right there in front of him is a dandelion, yet to bloom. Melanie is helping him shove the weed plucker beneath the dandelion so that he can yank it right out of the ground by the root.
Kalib yanks the dandelion from the earth and sends it and dirt flying straight into his Aunt Melanie. This turned into a big game - one that the two repeated time and time again, until all the new dandelion plants had been rooted out.
Even so, those dandelions will pop right back up again.
I view Kalib plucking out a dandelion from another angle.
Dandelion and dirt come flying right toward me.
As usual, Kalib brought his spatula to the house with him - but not once did I see him carry it or play with it. I only saw it sitting here, atop the classifieds on the coffee table.
Margie says she saw him play with it. She said he used to flip junk mail like pancakes. There, lying on the floor, you can see one of the pieces of junk mail that Margie saw Kalib flip.
Still, he basically left it alone.
It makes me wonder if he is outgrowing his spatula phase?
If so, the thought makes me a little sad.
It has to happen, sooner or later, though.
Later would be okay with me.
The original plan had been that Jacob, Lavina and Jobe would come out and pick Kalib up Sunday afternoon. Instead, Lavina called to say that Jobe was still sick and to ask if, instead, we could bring Kalib home and then leave Margie there to babysit Jobe for a day or two or a week or however long it would take until he was well enough to return to daycare.
Since Melanie had come, she drove Margie and Kalib back to town with her.
And once again, after just three days and nights together with Margie, I am left alone with the cats. Caleb is here, of course, but he works all night and sleeps all day, except for when he goes out to hit golf balls.
Now I back up to an earlier point in the day:
Branson Starheim, of Metro Cafe, just graduated from kindergarten Thursday night. I promised Carmen that if she brought him and his diploma to Metro Cafe I would take a photograph to commemorate this landmark achievement.
So she did and I took a pretty standard study of Branson and Carmen, posing with the diploma as Branson sat on his bike, but afterward I took this one of Carmen helping Branson don his crash helmet and I like it better.
Following the diploma photo session, Branson, the graduate, zooms past me on his bike. Branson calls me, "Uncle Bill."
Now - about that delayed Arctic Series that I had promised to run this week: I am going to! Starting tomorrow. It's just that I did not know that Kalib was going to spend the weekend with us. He did, and I had to post a few pics for all of his many fans from Alaska to Arizona to India to see.

Reader Comments (3)
Kalib was wearing some great mud boots in todays picture :) and i absolutely love the last picture of Brandon.
I loveee Kalib's spiderman shoes!!! <3 <3
Dad, Kalib stills uses the spatula on weekends. It is still a prized possossion in our house, Jobe has taken an interest in it as well. I think he see's his brother with it so much that he realizes there must be something more to it, so he like to tote it around the hose. Then Kalib will see Jobe with it and well.... Kalib will remove it from Jobe and so begins a battle....