Mormon missionaries ride bicycles

Two Mormon missionaries with their bicycles, spotted as I crossed through the intersection of the Palmer-Wasilla and Glenn Highways in Palmer. Other than what you see in the picture, I know nothing of them, yet I know them very well - better even than they do.
A former Mormon missionary shadow biking down Seldon Street in Wasilla. I know all about him, yet he is an enigma to me. I may never understand him at all.
Now... I must apologize. I have spent the past five or six hours dealing with one of those things that a man who is not a businessman yet is in business for himself must sometimes deal with, just like a real businessmen must - one of those things that he thinks he can do in half-an-hour and if he was a real business man could probably do in three sentences to his secretary, who would then take care of it in 15 minutes. The businessman who is is not a business man then winds up spending half a day and nearly $2000 to get done, an expense which will liklely yield him nothing and the particulars of which he does not understand at all but if he wants to stay in business he has to take the time and he has to spend the money.
So I am left with time to begin my long delayed Arctic series and it will have to start tomorrow.
Actually, the best thing to do would be to hold it for the online magazine I plan to start and not even worry about it all for now, but I promised that I would do it and there are people who have let me know they want to see it, so I will do it.
Hopefully, beginning tomorrow.
Now I must get back to work.
Except the sun is shining. It is wonderfully warm and I do not want to be inside at all.
Reader Comments (1)
just caught up with a few of your posts. truly? you're gonna start your own online mag? i will definitely pay to subscribe. the ny times costs me $15 a month. not bad. yes, you do know all about those mormon missionaries. when i was married and lived in TX, one of the women in married student housing said the mormons saved her from drug addiction. glory be! she was the mother of twins and free of drug temptation.