I seek a July 4 photo of American freedom for a civilian-mass audience* of Greece: Part 2 of 4: The Wasilla parade

Note: Sometimes strange and unintended things happen when publishing online. I posted this about three hours ago and from my data I know it had some visits. Then, without me ever unposting it, it came unposted. So now I repost it. (5:17 PM, July 5, 2011)
As it happened, I think I took my favorite parade picture after the parade - when I was in Melanie's and she was driving us toward the Chugach, where we would take a hike up the Twin Peak's Trail. As we passed through the main part of Wasilla, these kids came rolling by, going in the opposite direction.
I had not seen them in the parade, as we left early. I needed to meet Melanie and one poor grandmother was exhausted from trying to keep two rambunctious little boys safe and secure while her husband chased marchers and floats around.
Although you see only one picture here, this is a 23 picture post. It's just that I do not have time to include the other 22 here, especially considering that I still have two Fourth of July posts to go.
So, to see the other 22, you must go to the slide show. There you will find many flags, a couple of cute kids and dogs, soldiers decked out in combat gear, boy scouts, various politicians in search of votes, pretty girls dancing and cartwheeling in the street, people on motorcycles and horse, children waving at a hearse and things of that nature.
Among the politicians will be one dressed in red, one hand held up in waving gesture, a Vietnam veteran hat on his head. This is Verne Rupright, Wasilla's current mayor now campaigning for reelection. I post neither for or against him, but as a couple of his political competitors are identified by signs carried in their parade entourages, I figured it only fair to point out that this is the man they seek to beat.
*My friend, a civilian-mass audience has let me know via a comment that he does not want me to find a photo just for him, but to just go about things as normal, giving him no special consideration and he will keep coming back.
One must respect such a request, yet I cannot change the fact that as I shot yesterday's take, I kept wondering when a particular photo might appear. It did appear and when I get to it, I will let you know but I will not say it is just for Civi, but rather is for everybody and I just happened to be thinking of a civilian-mass audience when I shot it.
I did not take that shot at the parade, although I did take a number of decent Wasilla Fourth of July photos.
Reader Comments (2)
Well, now. See, this is why *you* are a photographer, and *I* take snapshots. Those are awesome pics, Bill. Just beautiful. They capture the spirit of that parade so beautifully.
simply thank you
all my respect to you,your family and to my people
up there in Wasilla ...
we are all civilians afterall:)))