Pregnant spider walking; Lavina comes to pick up her babies as we wait for the new baby; Hannah Solomon, who lived for almost 103 years

On my morning walk, I came upon this pregnant spider -- VERY PREGNANT! I had the wrong lens to be photographing a spider, but, to quote once again from Donald Rumsfeld:
Lavina had planned to come out yesterday and then spend the night with us so that she could see her babies again, but she didn't. This was because she had been having contractions Friday - not true labor contractions, but getting ready for labor contractions. Then it intensified to the point where she told Jake that it was time for him to take her to the hospital.
So Jake got ready to go and then the pains went away.
Margie and I then made plans to drive the boys back home Saturday. Lavina called to cancel our plans. She and Jacob were going to come out and pick them up themselves.
The idea of her traveling an hour away from her hospital scared me a bit, but I guess she had been cooped up at home too long, and needed to get out.
In the meantime, Kalib took a nap.
Jobe and me on the back porch.
Kalib prunes some bushes as he waits for his mom to arrive.
She arrived in the early evening, with Jacob and Muzzy in tow. She saw Jobe first, so picked him up and just gazed at him. This bed-rest stuff has been pretty hard on Lavina, because she loves to be with her babies but over the past weeks we have had them here more than she and Jacob have had them there.
Kalib then wanted her attention and he got it.
Soon she had them both.
Soon, they were ready to go - and they were taking Margie with them, so she could help out. Margie is one hell of a grandma, I'll say that. Back when we young and making babies ourselves, I never thought of her as a grandma, but she is a grandma and quite an amazing one, I think.
Before they got into the car to drive away, Jacob and Lavina discovered they had to clean dog poop off their shoes.
I jokes! I jokes! I jokes!
They were just checking out the soles of their shoes.
I think their shoes were new, that's why.
They sure look new to me.
Sooner or later, though, they will step in dog poop.
It happens to us all. It happened to me just yesterday... in the marsh that has dried up and become a meadow.
Then they were all in the car, ready to go.
And there they go, Jake and Margie waving at me. You can't see Margie's face because she has turned it to her grandchildren, telling them to wave goodbye to grandpa, but I couldn't see them, so I don't know if they waved or not.
Kalib probably did. I doubt that Jobe did.
He wouldn't have been being stuck up or ornery, he's just not quite into waving yet... but he's getting there.
As I left, I climbed onto my bike and pedalled off on short ride, about ten miles round trip. As I pedalled down Seldon, this airplane flew overhead.
You can hardly see the plane at this size. It would show up bigger in slide show view. A few seconds later, I took a shot that I like better, because I dropped the camera down just a bit and you can see headlights coming down the road with the plane above.
But the plane is too small in that frame to even bother posting here.
I mention this less for the readers' benefit than my own.
One day, I intend to include these words in the title of a book I have so far only dabbled at but hope to publish before I die:
I still look up
And I think the one with the car headlights in it might be good enough to include in that book.
So I write this to myself so that when I come back to this page and see this plane, I will know that there is another image that I must go take another look at.
Remembering: Hannah Solomon, 10/10/08 - 9/16/11
Hannah Solomon, Matriarch of the Gwich'in Nation, who passed away in Fairbanks late Friday afternoon - three weeks before her 103rd birthday. July, 2006.
Hannah Solomon dancing at her 100th birthday party.
Reader Comments (4)
I'm so glad to see you and your family-the picture of Lavinia looking at her little boy was priceless!!!
sad to hear about Hannah Solomon.. she seemed like quite a woman..
Wait a minute! Kalib has turned into a GIANT of a boy! He's not a toddler any more!!!!
Eagerly awaiting the new arrival...
What a great Mom and Grandma those little ones have! (they have a pretty darn swell grandfather too!!) Love the pic of Lavina with her boys...can't wait for the new addition.