How to battle pneumonia in toddlers

That day that I went down to the ice with Jason Ahmaogak and the others was such a great day that I had decided that, even though I had only five days before I was scheduled to leave for India, I would push it and hangout in Wainwright for a day or two more.
But, before going to bed, I called Margie and she told me that Kalib had pneumonia, that his temperature had gone all the way up to 105.
This frightened me, and so I came home.
I found him looking a bit weak and peaked, but his spirits were good. I am told that from the time he was diagnosed until I got home, he had done little but sleep, whereas everybody else had hardly slept at all.
Since I have been home, however, he has been up and chipper, if still a bit peaked.
Then I found his Dad tossing him into the air like this.
We drove him into Anchorage today for a followup doctor appointment. He is doing well, but must stay on his medication for a few days yet.
As for me, I don't know. I have a great deal to do before Melanie and I board our plane tomorrow night and I planned to get right on it after we got back from Anchorage.
We got back about 2:45 PM. I was so tired, I laid down upon the bed, flat on my back. Jimmy, the black cat, settled down on my chest and dozed off. Then I dozed off. Although I woke up for brief moments, I stayed dozed off until my brother Mac, who I last talked to maybe in January, called at 5:00 PM.
And I have been too exhausted to do anything since, including to work on this blog. That's why you don't see all those pictures, back to Wainwright and Barrow, that I have been planning to include.
I wonder how this entry got done?
The only thing that I want to do now is go to bed.