Couch warfare; someone gave me a gift certificate to Family, but it went to another; dogs - both nice and mean; Through-the-Window Metro study

The day began with promise. I saw a human being right away - Caleb, deeply engrossed in his video war games. When I looked at the screen, he was blasting away at an enemy (the avatar of an actual person somewhere else) who was scampering down the street in great panic as he tried to avoid Caleb's bullets.
It sure looked to me like Caleb was hitting him, but he dived into an open doorway, apparently unscathed. Immediately after that, Caleb was firing at someone else when another fighter popped out from the side and almost ran into Caleb's fire. Caleb stopped shooting for just one moment, or he might have hit that guy.
"Wow," I said, "that guy almost ran right into your fire."
"That was one of my teammates," Caleb said.
"So if you had hit him it would have been a case of friendly fire."
"No," he said. "Nothing would have happened. This is set up so you can't kill your teammates."
Just then, some kind of rocket came down on Caleb's avatar and killed it.
"I hope I didn't cause that by distracting you," I apologized.
"Oh, no, you didn't cause it," he said. "Those rockets just get you. You can't avoid them. It happens all the time."
And then you just become someone else, or the old you pops back to life and you keep fighting.
Yesterday, after coming in contact with a total of three people all day, all at once, for just as long as it took to buy an Americano, I promised to go to Mat-Su Valley Family Restaurant today. I did, and as I parked my car, I saw Sally walking towards her's.
So I shouted out to her. She gave me a hug, and then we talked for just a little bit. She asked me if I had received my certificate to get a free breakfast at Family Restaurant.
I was puzzled by this, as I knew nothing about any certificate.
It turns out that after I included her and a bit of her story about her battle with alcohol and drug abuse in a past post, one of my blog readers purchased gift certificates at Family for both Sally and me.
"Really?" I asked, puzzled.
"Yes," she said. "I got mine and I've used it already. Ask Connie, she knows about it."
So we said goodbye and I went in to get my breakfast, wondering if it had already been paid for.
I ordered ham and eggs, over easy, plus hash browns and multi-grain toast, which I asked to be delayed until I had eaten everything else.
And here is my waitress, bringing my toast, after I had eaten everything else. But I forgot to speak her name into my iPhone dictation ap, and I have forgotten it.
After I spread strawberry jam upon my toast and ate it, I went to the check-out register and asked about the gift certificate. The lady behind the counter knew nothing about it, so she called out to Connie. Connie got a horrified look on her face and said that she had given the gift certificate to someone else.
This lady, Cindy, was standing in line behind me. "It was my husband that she gave it to," she said. She told me his name was Bill, too. She said there had been an argument at the time as to whether or not the gift certificate was supposed to go to her husband, but in the end he had taken it.
"I've got it in the car," she said. "I'll give it to you."
So I followed her to her car, where she did some rummaging, but she could not find it. She said it must be at home. She said she would find it and bring it tomorrow.
"I've just been wondering who Funny Face is," she said. That could be kind of puzzling for a wife, for her husband to get a mysterious gift certificate from someone she does not know by the name of Funny Face.
"Funny Face is one of my blog readers," I told her. "From Texas."
"Oh," she said.
Thank you, Funny Face.
I did speak Cindy's name into my iPhone, but, just as in every other case where I have done so, I remembered the name even without going back to the iPhone.
What are the odds that Cindy would have been standing in line right behind me when I asked about that gift certificate?
This is just another one of those hugely unlikely coincidences that happen to me all the time.
A bit later, when I took my walk, this dog that I first met Tuesday appeared again and came to greet me. It seemed to come from the same house where a dog named Angel lives. Angel is one of the nastiest dogs that I have ever met. Angel has bitten me. I think Angel is the Devil's angel.
The German Shepherd followed. I was a little leery, but it proved not to be vicious. It's still a bit of a pup, though, so its got time.
Maybe tomorrow, I will dig up my pictures of Angel and include them in my post - if there's room. Then you will see how mean she is. You will think that I had nerves of steel just to take such pictures.
The German Shepherd, in profile, tail down submissively. Maybe the future will be okay with this dog.
She told me the dog's name. I knew I would not forget it, so I did not speak it into my iPhone. I have forgotten it.
At the usual time, I headed to Metro Cafe. Carmen was feeling happy. The day was warm for Wasilla in late January and business had been good.
Through the Metro Window Study, #532.
I take so many pictures through the window of people on the other side of Carmen's counter that I just decided I've got a genuine study going.
I don't really know the number of this particular study, but #532 sounds pretty impressive, so I settled on it.
Carmen's husband, Scott, was taking down Christmas lights. He said these lights had been a disaster. The wind had pounded them against the windows, badly chipping the glass.
"I want it to be Spring," Scott said. "The older I get, the colder I get."
Despite the warmth of the day, right near freezing, the wind was brisk, so that must account for the fact that Scott, who works at Prudhoe Bay, was cold.
The moon was very near full.
Baby-in-waiting update: Still not here yet. Lavina is resting and is more comfortable now. Margie comes home in just over three days. I am a little more hopeful now that baby will wait for her/his grandma than I was last night.