Kalib turns away from his oatmeal; a snowplow roars down Seldon; I exceed my limits

Margie tries to feed Kalib some oatmeal, but he does not seem to be very hungry.
On my walk, a snowplow came grinding and banging past. We got two or three inches of new snow overnight. Further up the Susitna Valley, 30 inches fell. It's still pretty warm, but not as bad as yesterday.
As I walked on, this man zipped past me on a snowmachine. He was going a little faster than me, but I'm pretty sure that if I had put my mind, lungs and legs into it, I could have sprinted right past him.
I just didn't want to, so, as he sped by, I walked casually and nonchalantly on.
I did wave, though.
It's good to wave at strangers driving snowmachines.
You might need their help one day.
As I neared home, this dog charged me, growling and barking under its muzzle. It hit my wrist with its muzzled snout and then charged past, still growling, still barking. I wasn't worried, though. I have known this dog since it was a cute and friendly pup and it has charged me many, many, times - even without a muzzle.
It's just a show he's got to put on.
This is what Pioneer Peak looked like at 9:00 AM.
This is what Pioneer Peak looked like at 2:30 PM.
This is what the Talkeetna Mountains looked like at 10:00 AM.
Kalib drinks his juice.
Well, I see that I have exceeded my self-imposed limit of one picture each of Kalib and the outside world.
Oh well.
I got a significant amount of work done today, anyway.
Reader Comments (5)
I've read your postings from time to time and enjoy them. Thanks. what makes me tap the keys today is that your orange cat is a spitting image, and I mean exactly the same, as our cat. Since I live here in Wasilla ( Bogard and Seward Meridian) I wonder if we don't have cat relations. We call our's Daisy. They look about the same age.
Snow and warm again, right around 29ish this am.
Yeah. I didn't get squat done today. Just saying.
i ADORE Kalib and Royce's relationship. gives a person hope dontchyaknow.
The Talkeetna mountains look stunning in every picture you've taken of them Mr.Hess.. I'm in love with those mountains.. even though I've never been there..
knainak - I would like to meet Daisy sometime and photograph her.
Debby - If you squat at least once a day, then everyday you will get squat done. Try it. It works.
kalaluka - ah yes - and now, except for visits, they must part.
Ash - you must come and wander about the Talkeetnas. Just in case there is any confusion, Pioneer Peak is in the Chugach, on the oppposite side of the valley from the Talkeetna's. The Chugach is the higher range, but, just beyond the Talkeetnas is the Alaska Range and Denali (which I refuse to call McKinley). If the Talkeetnas did not block the view, you could see Denali from here.
That's what I used to love on a clear day - I could climb into my airplane, take off and pretty soon, there was Denali, rising over everything.