Meanwhile, back in Wasilla, skateboarders roll for Jesus

I went to the bank this afternoon to transfer money from the business account to the family account so that the mortgage check would not bounce. I was kind of horrified at how little money was then left in either account. As I drove away via the city park route, I suddenly became aware that there were an unusual number of kids rolling about in the skateboard bowl. I had only a second or two to react, but lifted my G10 pocket camera and shot a blind frame through the open passenger window as I passed. As I did, a man's voice, amplified by a loudspeaker, entered the car.
"Dear Jesus," the detached voice pled, then paused, "will you be my Lord?"
That was all I heard. I drove on. The camera had failed to focus.
Oh well. Life is a blur, anyway.
Next, I drove to a nearby kiosk and ordered an Americano for $1.50, plus tip. Afterward, as I headed toward home, I saw this kid carrying his skateboard away from the park.
I wondered what his role in the revival had been, or if he had gone there to skate and that was it.
Maybe there was free food, too.
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