Boy and Girl fiddle dance at the Gwich'in Gathering

Oh boy! Have I been neglecting this blog! Not by choice. As I have explained, conditions for me here in Fort Yukon have not been conducive to blogging and I have no time for it right now. Still, one cannot leave a daily blog unfilled for too many days in a row before it ceases to become a daily blog so, very quickly, I dropped into my folder from last night's fiddle dance, went to the middle and then pulled out this little series of this boy and girl dancing.
So, readers, at least you know that I am still alive and going.
Next week, I hope to get deep into this week.
I just asked my host if she could identify these two kids but she can't. This means they probably are not from Fort Yukon, but came in from one of the villages - either here in Alaska or in Canada's Yukon Territory, for the Gwich'in is a nation that had two big countries come onto their land and draw a line through it and claim it as their own.
Even so, it remains... the Gwich'in Nation.
Update, 6:39 PM: I saw this young man at the Gathering this afternoon and learned that he is from Arctic Village and was dancing with his sister: James and Athena Chilkoot.
Reader Comments (3)
glad to see you , can't wait for the full rundown:)...enjoy yourself!
Hey Bill, hope you are having a fine time. We'll be here when you get back.
I love this! I really enjoy when you are at some of our local villages.. I love to see what they actually look like and the people!