"Fat Cat" of Fort Yukon

I have been debating what I should put up for today's post: yesterday's picnic outing on the Yukon and Porcupine Rivers with the Gwich'in elders and their guests, pulling salmon out of a fish wheel, cutting salmon, jig dancing, talking stick discussions; people from Old Crow, Yukon Territory, packing up their boats, making their goodbyes and then heading out onto the river to begin their 265 mile boat-ride home.
Instead, I decided to post this image of Fat Cat.
I made this decision for very practical reasons. In less than half an hour, I will get back into the boat with Snook and once again zip upriver to his fish wheel. This is the very last photo that I took on the disk that I used to record my take of this morning and early afternoon, so I just went straight to it with no searching or editing.
Plus, I like cats. I always feel that I have accomplished something significant and worthwhile when I photograph a cat and put it on my blog.
And, it looks like Fat Cat and I will be boat mates tomorrow, so I should really introduce him now.
That will be exciting. Except for the fact that I am having a wonderful time already, I can hardly wait.
Reader Comments (4)
what great looking cat...enjoy the trip
Fat Cat is looking real cute! I hope he still has some good pets left after you got to visit his fuffz! I mean to say I hope he did not get "overpet".
Fat cat looks as if he is used to running the show. Maybe his name should be Top Cat. Oh. For some reason a whole 'nuther cat pops into my mind.
Fat Cat is beautiful, but definitely too fat. Have fun fishing.