Margie in surgery right now; chilly this morning - we still might make it to Arizona

Margie is undergoing surgery right now. As soon as I finish this post, I will head for the hospital so that I can say "hi" to her when she comes to. As it was explained to me, the reason for the two surgeries is that it is possible pieces of gall stone could have broken off the big one in her gall bladder then got stuck in various ducts that lead away from it. If the gall bladder were simply removed, those stones could stay behind and cause trouble.
This surgery involves no cutting into the body. A scope and stone removing tool is sent down through the mouth to search the bladder and the ducts.
This surgery is not supposed to be that hard on a person. Margie may be able to come tonight. Furthermore, depending on what is discovered and how it goes, the second surgery, the one to remove the bladder altogether, might be able to be postponed or dropped altogether and we might still be able to go to Arizona.
There is only chair in Margie's hospital room and Melanie will not sit in it if I am there. She insists that I do, so I do. She looks more comfortable lying next to her mom than I feel in the chair, anyway.
Unless you are looking at this in the click and blow-up size, it may be hard to read, but the unlit sign on the back window of this car says, "see me about lighted car signs."
When I took the picture, the temperature on this part of Muldoon in East Anchorage, which gets much colder than at the airport which sits right by the inlet, where the official Anchorage temperatures are read, was -14.
When I got home, it was -15 (-26 C) in our driveway.
This morning, it was -26 (-32 C).
One might think that this portends a good, old-style, cold winter ahead, but experience tells me that we cannot count on it.
Sometimes it starts out this way and then one of those troughs sets up in the Pacific and then pulls one South Pacific storm after the other up from Hawaii and ruins everything.
I hope that doesn't happen this winter. We will see.
I like my winters cold.
Now I am off to the hospital, to see Margie and maybe bring her home.
Reader Comments (4)
Well, I hope that Margie's sitting right beside you reading our very good wishes. Get well soon. Both of ya's.
hope she makes it home...good luck
Hope all goes extremely well, and you make it to Arizona, Sending good thoughts and well wishes.
I hope Margie was able to come home and that you are both resting.