The first surgery went well, but...

Margie's first surgery went well, but she did not get to come home. For all of yesterday and into this morning, we thought she would likely be released early today, the second surgery could be scheduled for later and we could still make our planned trip to Arizona.
But it was not to be.
Five gall stones were removed from her, but they left a blood infection behind and it must be treated or it could become very serious. So she is still in the hospital, she will have her second surgery tomorrow and, for now, our trip is off.
Lynxton is still going, though. Tomorrow, he will head out with his parents and his big bros. They will fly to Phoenix, overnight there, then drive up to the White Mountain Apache reservation. The introduction of Lynxton to his Apache and Navajo family will begin.
Melanie, Charlie and Lisa are also scheduled to go.
It will be a different kind of Thanksgiving here.
Reader Comments (16)
But a Thanks-giving, nevertheless. Sending good wishes for healing for Margie.
Stop by here any day this week, You, Margie or Caleb? Especially Thursday well have a smorgasbord available. Going to cook some reds & maybe a turkey. Have a little stash of halibut and deer too ;-) Pies, cranberries, salad. Just one other friend coming here so far.....
Hoping for a good recovery for Margie and also Earl. I feel so involved through your blog that I almost feel I could drive over to the hospital for a visit. That's great the whole family gets to visit. Dunno if they'd do dat here in PA.
You and Margie and the family will be in my prayers. Please take care. Just take one day at a time. Namaste.
Best wishes for healing for you and Margie!
There will be much to be thankful for , and for that I am glad Margie is on her way to 'better'! It must gall bladder season...A old dear friend just about died from a 'flare' up and those ducts getting blocked and then infected.
Take care!
My thoughts and prayers are with Margie and you. Have a happy thanksgiving!
but you will be with margie.. that's something to definately be thankful for.. glad that the first surgury went well.. :)
Bill, thinking of you and your beautiful family xoxo
Hoping for a speedy recovery!
The most important thing is to get that infection taken care of as quickly as possible! I'm sending all my best wishes & hopes for a speedy recovery (for Earl too!). Celebrate being together for Thanksgiving - even if it has to take place in the hospital. {{{{{{{{{{{{{{many hugs}}}}}}}}}}}}}
I'm with the group here, thankful the surgery went well and that the work to stave off infection works. I'm so excited for Lynxton to meet his Tribe.
I'm sorry Thanksgiving isn't as you hoped it would be, but there are so many things to be thankful for.
I'm sorry your trip got cancelled Bill but I'm glad too see Margie is doing better. I hope the infection get's treated. Sorry about AZ
It will be a different holiday, maybe, but I hope that you'll find joy in it anyway. Count your blessings...three grandsons should be close to the top of that list, I'd guess.
Best wishes for speedy recoveries for you both. I'm sorry this is a tough time; on top of everything else, I know that Tuesday must be a difficult anniversary for you. I am thinking of all of Soundarya and Anil's families and friends during this time. I hope this Thanksgiving will still bring joy to your family, even if you can't all be together for it.
Ah, a quiet holiday for two who love each other to spend healing. What a lovely gift!
Thank you, everybody, and I apologize for being so laggard to respond these days. I will try to change that, shortly.
Be assured that the concern you voice here is noted and appreciated - by both Margie and me and our children, too.
It's kind of a funny thing - for the moment, we are laid pretty low, but in both of our cases it is only a temporary thing and it will soon be behind us.