Kivgiq is over, I missed Jobe's first birthday, the weather is getting bad, but I hope I make our anniversary

Just at quick note so that readers will know this blog is still alive and active. Murphy's Law went into overtime for me this trip and I had to deal with so many incredibe glitches that I had no time at all to post even the simplest entry the past couple of days - but, the most important thing is that I succeeded in working around every problem, with the help of friends like Marie Itta, Alex Demarbin of the Arctic Sounder and my host, Roy Ahmaogak.
So I have a huge Kivgiq take to edit and sort and will do so after I get home. As I do, I will make a series of Kivgiq posts - late, but better than they would have been had I tried to do it while Kivgiq was in progress - and it was a wonderful and magnificent Kivgiq.
I am scheduled to leave Barrow for Anchorage on tonight's flight and, as I walked across the small lagoon back to Browerville from Pepe's and took this picture, I was optimistic that would happen.
I just poked my head outside, however, and the snow was blowing so thick and heavy that I could not see across the lagoon to the main part of Barrow, so I don't know if the jet will be able to get in tonight or not.
Tomorrow is Margie and my anniversary, so I hope that jet gets in.
Yesterday was Jobe's first birthday and I missed it.
I don't want to miss this date, too.
We'll see what happens.
Now I have much sorting out to do if I am to be ready for that jet, should it come, so I have no more time for this blog today.
Reader Comments (5)
Good luck with your flight, Bill, and happy anniversary to both you and Margie! It's a shame you couldn't be there for Jobe's birthday, but I bet they've saved up some celebrating for after you get home.
I hope you manage to get some restful sleep soon.
Looking forward to pics of Kivgiq...
Hoping you make it home for your anniversary !
Sending warm wishes and hopes for Mr Jobe to have a special day with Granpa to celebrate his milestone...
( he's not a year old already.. he can't be... how did he get to be a year old? )
Here's to making it back in time for your anniversary! Congratulations to you and Margie..
Happy Birthday Jobe!
My friend Lena has shared some great video of Kivgiq on Facebook.. I can't wait to see your pictures and here your take on the feast! The dancing I've seen so far has been amazing!
I tried to link up and watch it live.. but no such luck!
Hope you make it home safely.. It's awfully cold here in Fbx today.. Bundle up if you stop in!!!
good luck getting home
happy anniversary to you both. :) good luck getting home.