The birthday party that I missed

While the wind did not quit blowing, it eased off enough that the Alaska Airlines jet did make it into Barrow last night and so I boarded that jet and headed south, toward Anchorage.
During our Fairbanks layover, I turned on my iPhone and this picture came in as a text message from Lavina. It is from Jobe's first birthday party that took place on Saturday, February 12, as I was busy covering Kivgiq. Please take note of the places where the frosting is missing from the cake. The larger patch to the right was made by Jobe's butt when he sat on the cake and the small ones in front of that by his feet.
I am told that he did not like sitting in the cake. Both he and Kalib did enjoy eating it.
I hated to miss my grandson's first birthday party, but I so loved being at Kivgiq and I could not miss the final day. I will make it up to Jobe before the week is over.
The plane was packed leaving Barrow and did not get out until about 45 minutes late. Margie picked me up at the airport about midnight. Since breakfast, I had not eaten anything other than the two tiny pretzel and soy beans snack bags Alaska Airlines has used to replace the steaks, fish, chicken, rice, salads, fruits, cakes and all those things that they used to feed to their customers.
I was hungry, so we stopped at the McDonald's in Mountain View and we did not get home and settled down into bed until 3:30 AM. I had not slept much during Kivgiq and I had worked hard and been on the go constantly, so I wound up sleeping in today until nearly 1:00 PM.
It felt good, but I have a headache now.
Margie and I had planned to go back to Sakara Sushi this evening to celebrate our 37th anniversary, but we wound up eating a huge, afternoon breakfast at Family Restaurant and neither of us are up for a big meal tonight, so we will have to find some other way to celebrate.
I have so much work to do now - got to start putting my Kivgiq pictures into my home harddrives and then I face a huge amount of editing.
For now, though, I can't do anything.
I am wasted - no, not that way - just worn out and in need of a little downtime.
Reader Comments (6)
Happy Anniversary to you and Margie! I hope you have some time to rest up so you can carry on as only you can! Take care and happy Valentines day as well!
i remember the dinners on ak airlines....i actuallly had a really good chicken dish once in flight.
i have to say, there is a radiance about jobe that leaps out of the photos. what a cutie!
HAPPY ANNIVERSARY to you both! I hope you both had a wonderful time, and happy belated birthday to Jobe. His cake looked delicious! :)
Happy Anniversary to you and Margie, have a great time.
Happy Anniversary ♥
Happy Anniversary to you and Margie!
Picture of happy birthday boy Jobe put tears in my eyes. Brought back memories of a damn fine son's 1st birthday 36 years ago and his own chocolate melee .