Eagle perched in tree at dusk, just up Shrock Road from the Little Su; two kids pose for someone else

The sun had gone down, darkness was setting in and I was sipping coffee as I drove the Ford Escape down Shrock Road toward the Little Susistna River. Shoshana had served me that coffee. She always looks nice but today she looked exceptionally so and I thought that I should shoot a few more "Young Writer Studies" of her as she prepared my coffee, but I couldn't because I had forgotten my camera.
Then I came upon this bald eagle, perched in this tree.
"Damnit!" I swore. "Here I am, with no camera! I could drive back home and get my camera, but the eagle will surely be gone by the time I get back!"
But sometimes an eagle will sit still in a tree for a very long time, so I decided I would give it a try. I was somewhere between three and four miles from the house. I turned the car around, raced back and got my camera.
The eagle was still there when I got back.
There wasn't much light left.
I took the picture anyway.
"Thank you, Bill," the eagle said.
"You're welcome, Eagle," I said.
Actually, no such exchange took place.
The eagle did not care. The eagle was completely indifferent to the fact.
They say that eagles have the sharpest eyes of anybody.
Yet, this eagle will never look at this photo.
If by chance the eagle did see this photo, the eagle would not care about it at all.
The eagle would rather see a fish.
The eagle would rather that the eagle be the last thing that the fish was ever aware of.
Eagles have their priorities, and admiring photographs of themselves are not among those priorities.
Somebody came driving along in a pickup.
Maybe the driver saw the eagle, maybe not.
I suspect that the driver did see the eagle.
Even though it was getting dark, the eagle was kind of hard to miss.
And this from India:
Through the window of our taxi, I spot two kids posing for someone else as we drive by.
Reader Comments (4)
Sure do wish you would write books for kids! Think about it -- you are a natural, wonderful photos, great thoughtful commentary with a bit of whimsy, and little ones LOVE you, and all the things you love too..... eagles, ravens, airplanes, cats, dogs, whales, walks finding who knows what, interesting people, places, and things!
oh! What Grandma Nancy said!
Bill, you could do a WONDERFUL children's picture book.
I'll buy the first one!
got two possible book titles for you to get you going:
"Ravens for Sandy" or "Chooo'weet!"
I think she'd like that a lot.
And you too.
Do my eyes deceive me? In your topmost photo, it almost looks like the tree is budding. I'd love to learn more about how your Springtimes 'open up'. Is there a photographer in the house? :-)
I love the two title justafarmer suggested above! :))) Choo Cuteee!!