One bike and two dogs

The thing that I have noticed about my bike-riding this spring is that it has been taking me considerably longer to get back into pedaling shape than ever before. I have been going anywhere from a scant six to ten miles a day, but the day before yesterday I went 15 and then yesterday I was dragging all day.
I'm still dragging.
Of course, about half of that was against the wind - and uphill, too!
Still, I have to think it might be because I am finally hitting a point in life where I can truly feel the difference in age one year to the next. Then, too, the past winter was a draining one for me - so maybe it is the two combined: age and drain.
Yet, I think I am starting to get stronger; despite the fact that I am dragging, my endurance is on the increase.
And guess what?
When I park my bike after today's ride, I won't be biking anymore for awhile.
All the conditioning that I have been doing will go away.
I am about to go traveling again, that's why.
At this time tomorrow, I should be sitting in an airplane, flying over northwest Alaska, approaching my destination. I will be gone for anywhere from a week to 12 days and if it is 12, then I will return home just long enough to unpack my bags, wash my clothes and get on a jet going south.
But back to yesterday's bike ride:
I had barely begun when I came upon Tony, the hunter and author, and Taiga, the hunting dog, who knows how to retrieve a duck but can't write a single sentence.
I pedaled about ten miles. As I neared home, this dog suddenly appeared in front of me and like a bullet shot straight to my leg.
I know this dog. It acts tougher than it is. I am not afraid of it.
It could sure be unnerving to a biker who doesn't know it, muzzled though it be.
Reader Comments (2)
like you, i resumed biking, albeit on a stationery bike, which knows no winds or dogs. hadn't biked in over a month but am now up to ten minutes a day, aiming for 20. it's so boring i can only go for 20 minutes, not miles and miles like you do. you'll stay healthy as long as you bike.
Exercise+Netflix=Happiness. I am stornger than I have been in years thanks to 90 minute streaming movies every day in my living room.
Lucky for you lot planes can still afford to fly otherwise alaskans would be trapped in one spot all the time. And then what would they do?