Looking back at Point Hope from across the ice

Here I am in Point Hope, out on the sea ice at the edge of the lead in which swim bowheads, belugas, seals, polar bears and other animals, looking back at the village. I came here to take some pictures at an event in town but it should surprise no one to discover that I wound up on the ice with the whalers, anyway.
That event is now over and I plan to go back out shortly. Three bowheads have been landed thus far here.
As for this blog, it is just too hard to keep out here right now - in part because I have not yet been able to replace my laptop screen and while ghosts and lines do move erriely across my screen, I am almost working blind and I cannot do a good picture edit.
When I type, the word vanish, fall on top of themselves, shift positions and I cannot be certain what I am typing.
Then, Squarespace, the blog host that I use to make this journal is, under perfect circumsstances, a clunky and troublesome program. Comgine it with a slow connection and its problems multiply and cascade one into another.
Because I am can not really see the pictures that I am working with and could not stand the thought of trying to picture edit, I grabbed this one at random. I was able to make out that it was sea ice and it appeared that i might be sharp - but beyond that, it just aggravates my eyes to look at it,
Then, sure enough, when I went to upload it, Squarespace malfunctioned. That malfunction led to cascading malfunctions and it took me.... 45 minutes... yes... 45 minutes... to upload this single photograph!
So I fear I will not be doing much blogging while I am here.
Okay - I can't deal with this anymore. This screen is driving me nuts. I am going to post and hope for the best.
Reader Comments (7)
It looks so beautiful there. Store up your pics and do it when you get back. For now, get out there and take the shots, don't waste time!! lol
Can't wait to see them all...
Yup on what Mikey said!
Lots and lots of pictures!
We can wait .
Whenever and however-your posts are welcome--(the ice is awesome)!!!
The picture is sharp and looks sharp! Just shoot a lot and worry about posting later.
The photo is striking. It's a very dramatic shot.
well, it's a darn good photo, bill!!!
Point Hope!!! Love it...