A duck swam into a moon beam - and other stunning stories from yesterday

I made a big mistake - I promised to bring this blog off hiatus on September 15, today, which is exactly what I am doing. But I should have set the date for September 20. That would have been much better for me.
But I didn't.
I set it for September 15, it is September 15, so here I am, early yesterday morning, where the lone waitress working at Denali Family Restaurant was pouring me a cup of coffee.
She did not want me to show her face, only her hand.
"I never like to have my face in a photograph," she explained.
I don't know why. She had a pretty face. She also knows how to sling two coffee pots at once.
Pretty impressive!
I would have gone to Abby's Home Cooking, which has become my favorite breakfast restaurant, but Abby's does not open until 8:00 AM and I was hungry and did not want to wait that long.
I asked for this table, just so I could sit there and look out at these mountains and watch this guy get out of his truck.
I saw myself, in shadow, sitting with an alien from another galaxy. So I shot a picture of the two of us. That alien really likes ketchup. He drank the whole bottle and then asked for more.
When I got home, I found Margie, Jobe and Kalib watching Chuggington Choo Choo. They had all been asleep when I left.
I had a huge amount of work ahead of me, but I couldn't bear to get into it without taking a walk. As I walked up Wards, a garbage truck passed me and then made a left turn.
I wondered if I would ever see that garbage truck again.
Next, a couple of young men appeared at the top of the hill, their feet on their skateboards, their skateboards on the road. It looked like they were going to roll, but then they picked up their skateboards and just stood there, looking down at me. They appeared not to know what to do next.
"Are you guys going to skate down the hill?" I shouted up to them.
"Yes," one of them shouted back.
"Good!" I shouted back. "That will make a good picture."
So they put their boards back down on the road and their feet back on the skateboards. Down they came.
And off into the distance they went.
When I reached the top of the hill, this gentleman came walking along, just as I did see the garbage truck again. It was Tony, Lola and Wolf. I can't remember which dog was Lola and which was Wolf.
Neither one of them looked a wolf to me.
They were good dogs, though, and I was proud to make their acquaintance.
When I got back to the house, I found Jobe and Kalib in the back yard, being boys.
Their new sibling could arrive any day now. The official due date is October 6, but that baby has already gotten into position, head down, ready to plunge into the world.
And the poor mother has strep throat.
That is why the boys are with us.
Kalib, the eldest of three.
A few hours later, I took my afternoon coffee break. I discovered that the dog, Booger, had been lost. Booger is the close friend of Lisa Kelly, the Ice Road Trucker. Her husband brought the poster.
I hope Booger is found.
The Ice Road Trucker needs her friend.
I then took a short drive to sip and enjoy my coffee. I drove past the Wasilla skateboard park just as a kid went almost horizontal on the ramp.
I was trying to write what will be the final story in what might be my final Uiñiq magazine, but I could not come up with the words to open it. So I took another short walk, saw this bunny rabbit, and pretty soon the lead came to me.
After I got the lead, I came upon these three in the marsh that has dried out and become a meadow. It was Summer and her buddies, Sampson and Anonymous Dog. Summer has another name that she uses for Anonymous Dog, but I don't know what it is.
I then went into my house, wrote the lead and got to work on the story.
That final story would be very short, but it was taking me a long time to write it. At one point, I realized that I would never finish it if I did not eat a chocolate covered ice cream cone. So I climbed into the car and drove off to get one, but I got to day dreaming and passed right by Dairy Queen. I turned around by Wasilla Lake and noticed the moon. I stopped and took this picture.
Then I saw this duck swim into a moon beam.
"Hey Bill!" the duck quacked. "Is that you?"
"Yes, Fernanda," I quacked back. "It is me! It's been a long time!"
"It has... 1021 years."
It was true. Fernanda and I had not seen each other for over 1000 years.
"How's your report coming?" she asked.
I knew it. She had been sent to check up on me.
"I'm struggling with it," I answered. "But don't worry. You can tell the other ducks that I'll get it done."
I will, too, but in the meantime, I have a Uiñiq magazine to finish.
That final story is now written, but there is still a significant amount of work that must be completed before I go to press Monday.
Reader Comments (40)
Nice to have you and your pictures back, Bill.
I miss my boys! I was actually looking forward to seeing the blog today...see you all soon. Feeling better today
I, too, hope they find Booger... for obvious reasons. But also, because that's the coolest name ever!
You're back! I knew you would be! And a baby to be born on my birthday. I will offer my birthday wishes for the new one.
Glad you're back! I've missed your photos and stories. Gorgeous moon shots!
now i know what I had been missing all these days! It was your blog!
PS : Dear Booger, please come back.
Dear Strep throat - go away!
Welcome back! I love your blog! Your photo essays are always so interesting. It amazes me how your photos make the simplest and most "everyday behavior" curiously profound.
Welcome back!! Glad to see your slice of the world again. I missed it!
Hi Bill, Nice to see you again :)
My thoughts to go Lisa and Booger.
Ahhh, you're back! Time is moving too quickly...
I love the duck in the moonlight.
Can't wait for the new family member to arrive!
Welcome back, Bill. I've missed you and your family, and wish the best for the new arrival.
Most of my stories cannot be finished until I eat a chocolate covered ice cream cone. I think it is something in the way of stories for this to be true.
Welcome back.
So glad to have you back!! The boys have grown. Hope that baby takes it time and momma gets well first! Can't tell you how I have missed your stories and pictures. Hope you had a wonderful summer and ready to bring us so much happiness with your blog. Need a smile before I go to bed. Will sleep good tonight...BIll is back! Thank you.
woo hoo!! Its nice to see you, the boys, Margie, the dogs and people you meet in your travels, and of course, the lovely scenery of Alaska... Oh... and the duck and bunny were good too!
I am so glad the blog is back. It has become a part of my daily routine. I love your photos. Thanks so much for all the work you have put into it.
Yeah!!! I was so excited to see this post!
I cant believe its almost time for Lavina to have the baby. Seems like just yesterday you were sharing the exciting news with us. If the baby wants to wait until Oct.11 that would be awesome, 'cause thats my birthday, so I know firsthand what an extra special day it is :0)
Fantastic photos as always Bill!
Welcome back! Love the moonlit duck photo, looking forward to reading your posts again!
Well my last post didn't work.
Just wanted you to know that we have missed you, all of you! And it's great to have you back.
October 10th is a good day for a brand new birth date as well -- that's Riana's birthday and she has missed your posts too!
Ah, the boys have grown - as boys are always doing. You all look as if the summer has been nice to you, and I hope that is so. Peace to all in your family. It is nice to see you back blogging. You were missed by us in this house.
gee, i think i need a chocolate donut before i can think of anything to write. random impressions: the joy of being a new grandpa, wonder what a g'daughter would look like; the first shot - i swear that cup of coffee was for me! - i'd paper my living room with some of your photos - great photographers have great luck like that duck in the moonlight.
So glad you are back!!! We've missed your thoughts and daily doings ;) Hi to Margie and all. Hope to see you soon. This fall has been the cat's meow, and looking forward to more blog posts.....
Hello from Iowa! I very much enjoyed your blog today and want to say that your last photo is wonderful!
Welcome back. I especially missed those boys! Well, and the coffee shop and the breakfast place and Margie and the scenery and the doggies and.......
Bill... really enjoy your wordd and photo's.
As always... your an artist at the top of his craft.
Wishing you well.
Agh! here goes a third try at getting comment deal here to work...
Welcome back! Missed your stories, especially the wet and ducky or talking horsey tall type ones . Missed the pics, really missed the pics.
Hope it was a productive time for you!
Best wishes for DIL to get past strep ASAP!
Hello again Bill! Thanks for spending your time to make the blog for the world again! It was a blast to read and Melanie totally missed the garbage truck, but I saw it! I am glad the bunny made it into the blog as well as the amazing moonlight duck! Take care! Charlie
Sigh! All's right with my world now that you're back. Gorgeous pictures, gorgeous boys, gorgeous Bill. Thank you!
Ok.. just means I have to make last my coffee a bit longer again, so I can read what you were up to while starting off my day.. nice :)
Hi Bill I missed your blog!! It's part of my morning routine. Welcome back!
Oh, how I've waited for this day! So wonderful to see you and the family again, and I hope your hiatus was productive and fun. Little Jobe isn't so little anymore, and soon he'll get to be an older brother. A warm welcome back!
Of course you'll get everything done! How could you miss with a duck in a moonbeam to goad you on? We have garbage trucks here. I've never stopped to ponder whether I will see it again. I realized that I take an awful lot for granted. Welcome back. Have a good trip to New York.
Best wishes...oh,my,my... the kids are ready for college:))))))
Thank you FROSTY...see ya around
P.S...I was there next to you...hiii...the alien...hiii
I arrived here a day late, but the good news is that it means that I might be reading 2 of your blogs today.
For some reason I feel all is now right with the world.
You did mention that although you kept your promise, you could have used a bit more time.
I don't think any of your readers would fault you for taking that time.
I must say that seeing your family, photos,and reading about what is now happening in your world has put a smile on my face.
Looking forward to hearing about the new leaf on your family tree.
Welcome back...Mirage from Cali
I hope everything works out for you, Bill. I'm sure it will. Absolutely beautiful pictures. I'm convinced that fall is the most beautiful season.
Hi Bill. Thank you for updating the blog. I share the same opinion of everyone here! We've missed you, your family and your travels. Thank you for sharing with us! I wish well thoughts and prayers for you & the family. Take care~ From Prudhoe Bay today! ~ Kera
So great to have you back with us, Bill. As you can see from all the comments, you have been very much missed. :-)
Thank you all for coming back after all this time and for sharing your thoughts with me. I see familiar names, names I had not seen before and a name or two that goes way, way, way, back, back when all pictures were taken on film and reproduced pretty much on paper and, except for a few government scientists, nobody had any comprehension that there would ever be anything like today's ever-evolving internet.
This gives me hope. I look forward to see what happens next.
put up as screen saver a place 4 solace
u have a good heart & it is evident in ur blog
stumbled upon it:~) worked in Kotz 4 Manillaq in'98 PEACE
Great to have you back, Bill :)
Excited you are back bill!