Jobe and the Savik whaling hat, his arms and the snotty bug

Remember how yesterday I stated that should have never committed myself to my September 15 return, but should have waited until next week? It's true. I have no time. Yet, I have begun again and must keep going, but today I will keep it short, simple, and cute - shamelessly cute.
Yesterday, I read something written by a serious photographer who expressed disdain for shamelessly cute photos. They just don't dig deep enough into the harsh realities of life.
Yet, shamelessly cute is part of life too, and right now, shamelessly cute is right in front of me.
This is how it is with Jobe and me - the instant I come in sight, up come his little arms and hands. He wants me to pick him up.
I don't have time. Too busy. But you know what? I pick him up anyway, and carry him around for a bit. Sometimes, I bring him into my office and we watch the electric train go 'round the top of the room.
Kalib likes that train, too.
Yesterday, Jobe found this Savik crew whaling hat. He has insisted upon wearing it ever since. Savik is Savik Ahmaogak of Barrow.
Jobe in the Savik hat. As you can see, Jobe has picked up a bug. Zicam is very hard on my stomach, but I am scarfing it down, anyway. I am scheduled to go to New York City at the end of next week, and I want to be healthy. But I can't resist Jobe. He is in and out of my arms, all day long.
We breathe together.
Reader Comments (11)
What a cutie. Welcome back.
shamelessly cute?
inutterably beautiful, food goobies, nose snerfies and all.
our children and our grandchildren are only shamelessly cute when they flush their dollies and trucks down the toilet and flood the house or similar type behaviors.
it's to keep us from setting them out in the drive with "free to a good home " signs.
and yes, shamelessly cute is part of life :-)
best wishes for your projects.
your shamelessly cute posts are my all-time favorites, especially ones like this that show that incredible bond!
We have two Grandgirlies who are now impossibly grown up - in 5th and 3rd grade! I take a moment to breathe when they come to visit, because in just a month they have changed so very much.
Have fun in NYC. Hope the nasties stay away. Hope Lavinia is feeling better, and a big hello to Margie.
We are getting better at least with the cold, Lavina well she has the whole pregnant thing going on and that comes with it's own set of issues. The house is WAY TOO QUIET, we miss our boys...
I don't care what anyone says, you were right. Your blog is shamelessly cute!
I get it though.
When trying to forestall illness, I avoid sugar. I once viewed a hospital video that explained that sugar dramatically decreases the white blood cell's ability to fight infection. Something like one cell can kill off 14 bacteria cells before dying itself. After a single chocolate cupcake that number went from 14 down to 2. I don't know how accurate that is, but it impressed me mightily.
Avoiding sugar is very difficult for me! But when I am ill or trying to prevent illness, I pay more close attention to that.
Aww! You and Margie are so blessed with family.
What WhiteStone says above is correct, sugar tears badly at your immune system! And we need you to go to the loft, I bet you'll be the only one reporting decently!!
Ok.. so that's quite selfish what I wrote.. but so what?
Your beautiful posts keep me returning often. Good to see you back.
Well, then, I will do more shamelessly cute posts.
Whitestone and Eva: Last night, I went to Dairy Queen and bought a cone dipped in chocolate. When I got home, I found Whitestone's message. The damage had been done. I seem to be okay though. For now, anyway.
I miss my nephews and family from there...hopefully November comes around fast:)