I take a walk with Shadow

I have always been a walker and usually I have walked alone, or with a dog. Occassionally, I have walked with cats, but as much as I love them, walking with cats can get pretty aggravating. You have to keep stopping and you never do get very far.
Sometimes when I was small, I took off walking and when my parents discovered that I was missing they called the cops and each time they launched a search for me.
They never found me, though, because I could be anywhere from the side of mountain to balancing on the railroad tracks. Finally, I would come home and find the cops at the house, trying to calm my distraught parents. I could not understand why they got so upset, because I always knew exactly where I was in relation to the house. Now, of course, I understand.
After I met Margie, we would often walk together but even then, I would take long walks by myself.
Next, the kids came along and we would often all go walking, or Margie and I might walk with one or two of the children one time, and others later, or just the young girls when the boys became teens. Yet even then, I would often walk by myself.
Years ago, Margie quit walking with me all together because it became hard for her. The dog Willow was still with us then, so she and I would walk together and there was no Serendipity and so we had the big woods to ourselves. Then they cut down the trees, made Serendipity and Willow died.
Again I found myself walking, all by myself. Which was fine with me. I enjoy walking alone.
Then Jacob, Lavina and Kalib moved in and often I would walk with all or two of them. Kalib was always on those walks and he even inspired Margie to come on a few - sometimes just her, Kalib and me. The pace was terribly slow and we never went as far as I would have liked, but the company was good.
Now that those three are living in their own home in Anchorage along with new baby Jobe, I am, once again, walking all alone.
That's not really true.
Sometimes, Shadow pops up and walks with me.
He did today.
Sometimes, Shadow will step on the very bottom of my feet. You would think this would be annoying, but I hardly even notice it.
I'm pretty sure that these two guys had planned to stop, jump out of the car, beat me with a baseball bat, take all my money and then head to Taco Bell. But they saw Shadow. See how tough and frightening he looks?
Shadow scared them away. Those poor guys didn't get to go to Taco Bell today and neither did I.
I don't know about Shadow.
Maybe he snuck off and went without me.
Were any of you at Taco Bell today?
Did you see Shadow there?
What did he eat?
Shadow had been walking in front of me, but after I turned the corner, he walked alongside me. We were equals, then.
But when I turned and walked to the south, Shadow walked behind me.
We turned east on Seldon, which can be a fairly busy road. "Hey! You fool!" I shouted at Shadow. "What kind of idiot are you? Don't walk down the middle of the road! You will get run over!"
Shadow did not heed my warning, but just kept on walking.
It was horrible. Shadow got his head run over. Shadow brain matter spread out across the road. "I tried to warn you!" I screamed, "but you wouldn't listen!"
Hmmm... Shadow was not hurt at all. He just kept walking. I guess that's because when you are so flat that you are not even flat, you cannot be flattened.
A mailman came along - the same one who sought to rescue me from Tequilla, the sweetheart bull dog who tries so hard to make me think she is mean. Shadow waved at the postman.
I didn't wave, though. I kept my hands in my pockets.
In the late afternoon, I stepped outside again. I looked for Shadow but he was not there. The sky had turned overcast.
Shadow, I'm afraid, often proves to be a fair-weather friend.
Well after dark, I took a short walk, just to clear my head. Shadow was with me when I stepped off the porch, but the farther I got from the house, the darker it became. Shadow has a very dark side, yet, he will only step out into the dark when it is punctuated by light. Shadow abandoned me.
Then, a ways down the road, as I passed by a house with the porchlight turned on, Shadow reappeared, walking beside me. Shadow can be sneaky like that, at night.
Only he knows.